Certified Online Courses
Quality Matters Certified Online Courses at UTC
QM Certified Course
- 2023 Courses
GEOL 1110 - Stephanie DeVries
Physical Geology
MUS 3170 - Survey of Jazz
Erika Schafer
- 2022 Courses
ACC 5855 - Accounting for Managers
Michael Owens
EDAS 5770 - Education Leadership
Barry Kamrath
ENGL 2700 - Introduction to Creative Writing
Russell Helms
ENGL 2820 - Scientific Writing
Russell Helms
HIST 1110 - World Civilizations I: World History from the Origins to c. 1400
Ruby Choudhury
HHP 3700 - Research Methods in Exercise Science and Health Promotion
Kara Hamilton
SOCW 5223 - Theories in Aging and Development
Junrong Shi
THSP 1090 - Public Speaking
Ashleigh Pipes
- 2021 Courses
ANTH 1200 - Cultural Anthropology
Sarah Brown
BIOL 3060 - Ecology
Jennifer Boyd
BIOL 4540/5730 - Plant Ecology
Jennifer Boyd
CRMJ 3100 - Policing
Ahmet Kule
EDAS 5900 - Capstone
Barry Kamrath
HHP 3170 - Exercise Physiology
Kara Hamilton
HIST 2010 - United States History to 1865
Mark Johnson
- 2020 Courses
BUS 3410 - Success Seminar: Career Development
Irene Hillman
CRMJ 3110 - Criminal Justice Research Methodology
Courtney Crittenden
CRMJ 5030 - Criminology
Courtney Crittenden
ECHD 2435 - Child Development
Darrell Meece
EDAS 5740 - Curriculum Leadership
Barry Kamrath
EDAS 5750 - Instructional Leadership and Assessment
Barry Kamrath
EDUC 5150 - Assessment and Learning
Deborah McAllister
ENGL 1010 - English Rhetoric and Composition I
Jessica Miller
ENGL 1010 - English Rhetoric and Composition I (Hybrid)
Jessica Miller
ENGL 2880 - Professional Writing
Jessica McCarthy
ENGL 2880 - Professional Writing
Rowan Johnson
HHP 4999 - Recreation Program Planning
Jennifer Glaab
HIST 2010 - United States History to 1865
Kris Erskine
HIST 2030 - Tennessee History
Kelli Nelson
LEAD 7991 - Gender and Leadership
Dawn Ford
MATH 2100 - Introductory Statistics
Thandi Klingbeil
MKT 3620 - Integrated Marketing Communications
Ryan Russell
MGT 1000 - Computers in Business
Jennifer Glaab
REL 2140 - The History of Christianity
Jonathan Yeager
- 2019 Courses
ACC 3000 - Intermediate Accounting I
Steve Davenport
BIOL 4460 - Global Change Biology
Jennifer Boyd
CLAS 1200 - Legendary Rome: Epic Founders, Wicked Emperors, Saintly Martyrs
Kristen Knopick
CPSC 1100 - Fundamentals of Computer Science
Katherine Winters
CPSC 5680 - Computer Forensics
Joseph Kizza
CRMJ 2950 - Violence Against Women
Courtney Crittenden
CRMJ 4850 - Community Engagement Seminar
Vic Bumphus
EDS 6050 - Reflective Leadership
Barry Kamrath
EDUC 2000r - Investigations of the School in Society
Mary Marr
EDUC 2420 - Adolescent Development
Deborah Troutman-Cantrell
EDUC 5210 - Human Development Applied to Education
Deborah McAllister
EDUC 5220 - Instructional Planning and Evaluation
Deborah McAllister
ENGL 1010 - Rhetoric and Composition I
Mike Jaynes
Madonna Kemp
Devori Kimbro
Spring KurtzENGL 1020 - Rhetoric and Composition II
April Green
Mike Jaynes
Rowan Johnson
Madonna Kemp
Spring Kurtz
Krista McKay
Jessica Miller
Joshua ParksENGL 2700 - Creative Writing
Andrew Najberg
ENGL 2820 - Scientific Writing
Ann Buggey
ENGL 2280 - Children's Literature
Abbie Ventura
ENGL 2880 - Professional Writing
Tiffany Mitchell
FIN 5400 - Advanced Financial Management
Michael Long
FIN 5460 - Investments
Michael Long
HHP 3140 - Interpretations of ECG I
Karissa Peyer
HHP 4040 - Motor Learning in Exercise Science and Leisure Studies
Jennifer Hogg
HHP 4120 - Principles of Resistance Training
Amanda Durall
MATH 1830 - Calculus for Management, Life, and Social Sciences
Meg Kiessling
MGT 3560 - Management Science
Parthasarati Dileepan
MGT 3660 - Business Forecasting
Parthasarati Dileepan
MGT 5190 - Data Mining and Analytics
Navid Aghakhani
MGT 5200 - Advanced Data Analytics
Navid Aghakhani
MKT 3130 - Principles of Marketing
Stephanie Gillison
MKT 3180 - International Marketing
Ayse Ozturk
MKT 3640 - Retailing
Stephanie Gillison
MKT 4310 - Digital Marketing
Ryan Russell
MKT 5860 - Marketing Management
Ayse Ozturk
MLNG 1050 - Knights of the Round Table in Film and Legend
Karen Casebier
MUS 1110 - Introduction to Music
Jocelyn Sanders
NURS 2300 - Introduction to Forensic Nursing
Priscilla Simms-Roberson
PHIL 2210 - Introduction to Ethics
Lucy Schultz
PHYS 1030 - General Physics--Mechanical and Heat
Luis Sanchez Diaz
PHYS 1030L - General Physics--Laboratory--Mechanical and Heat
Luis Sanchez Diaz
PSPS 1010 - American Politics
Kody Cooper
PSPS 1020 - World Politics
Jessica Auchter
PSPS 2700 - Comparative Government
Irina Khmelko
PSPS 5113 - Program Planning and Evaluation
Christopher Horne
PSPS 5124 - Applications in Public Administration
Christopher Horne
PSY 2010 - Research Methodology: Introductory Statistics in Psychology
Kristen Black
PSY 2070 - Psychology as a Profession
Chris Cunningham
PSY 4480 - Theories of Personality
Kate Rogers
SOC 1510 - Introduction to Sociology
Aisha McGriff
SOCW 2050 - Introduction to Social Policy: A Child and Family Perspective
Bethany Womack
- 2018 Courses
ACC 4060 - ACC 4060 Advanced Managerial
Amie Haun
ACC 5855 - Accounting for Managers
Michael Owens
ANTH 1200 - Cultural Anthropology
Andrew Workinger
COMM 2250 - Television and Pop Culture
Chad Harriss
CPSC 1000 - Introduction to Computing
Claire McCullough
CPSC 3600 - Principles of Information Security and Assurance
Katherine Winters
ECON 3240 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Michael Bonnal
ENGL 2510r - Popular Fiction: Horror, Vampires, Zombies, and Ghosts
Mike Jaynes
ENGR 2110 - Pollution Controls
Dawn Ford
HHP 3030 - Community and Environmental Health
Amanda Durall
HHP 4280 - Exercise Prescription in Health and Disease
Karissa Peyer
HIST 1110 - World History from Origins to 1400
Scott Seagle
HIST 1120 - World History from 1400 to the Present
Scott Seagle
HIST 2020 - United States History since 1865
Dana Brown
Scott SeagleIARC 1200 - Survey of Architecture
Jill Weitz
INTS 1110 - Science of Sustainability
Dawn Ford
INTS 3010 - Prior Learning Portfolio Development
Lee Patterson
LAT 1010/1110 - Elementary Latin I
Kristen Knopick
MGT 5810 - Information Technology for Business
Arben Asllani
MLNG 1500r - World Cinema Spain
Lynn Purkey
NUTR 1350 - Nutrition
Charlene Schmidt
NUTR 3360 - Community Nutrition
Melissa Powell
NUTR 3380 - Sports Nutrition
Emily Maddux
NUTR 4260 - Sustainability of Food Systems
Melissa Powell
PHIL 2310 - Existentialism
Talia Welsh
PMBA 5835 - Quantitative Decision Analysis for Business
Parthasarati Dileepan
SPAN 2140 - Intermediate Spanish for Reading II
Bernardo Amparan
- 2017 Courses
EDS 6100 - Program Evaluation
Ted Miller
EDS 6130 - Teaching and Learning
Ted Miller
FIN 3000 - Small Business Finance
Christi Wann
HHP 4350 - Worksite Health Promotion
Amanda Durall
HHP 4510 - Family Life Studies
Jamie Harvey
MATH 1010 - Mathematics in our Modern World
Angelique Ramnarine
- 2016 Courses
Biology/Environmental Science 1100 - Conservation of Biodiversity
Dawn Ford