Equity by Design
Presented on May 10, 2022
“Equity By Design: Transformative Learning at UTC,” highlights innovative teaching and learning efforts taking place across the country and on our campus during this time of challenge and change.
Keynote and Workshop
Dr. Katie Novak is an internationally recognized education consultant, author, graduate instructor at the University of Pennsylvania, and a former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts. Her numerous books include UDL Now! A Teacher’s Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning in Today’s Classrooms; Innovate Inside the Box (with George Couros); and Equity by Design: Delivering on the Power and Promise of UDL (with Mirko Chardin).
Microtalks: Learning Beyond Bias and Barriers
10-15 minute presentations by UTC faculty highlighting innovations in teaching
Welcome: Bengt Carlson, Mary Marr, and David Pleins
Lynette Carlson, HHP, “Utilizing Graphic Novels for Classroom Discussions on Bias and Stereotyping”
Bernadette DePrez, Nursing, “Utilization of UDL and Accessibility in an Online Learning Environment”
Jeannie Hacker-Cerulean, Performing Arts, “Transforming Microaggressions into Microbenificences”
Microtalks: Reimagining the Learning Environment
Brooke Epperson, Nursing, “Strengthening Systems Thinking and Leadership Skills in Undergraduate Nursing Students Using Tabletop Simulation”
Anthony Cepak, Communication, “Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Visualize Course Learning Objectives”
Katherine Kinnear, BGE, “Creating Connections in Wildlife Education & Rehabilitation”
Benjamin Stein, Chemistry, “An Inquiry-Based Biochemistry Laboratory Experience Exploring Enzyme Structure and Function”
Shane Ward, Art, “Object Memory”
Final Reflections: Bengt Carlson, Mary Marr, and David Pleins
For further information contact: [email protected]