Linking to UTC Library Materials

Canvas (add link)

Add a Link in UTCLearn (Canvas)

There are two ways you might add a link in UTCLearn (Canvas), either as an item in a module or as a link on a page.

Add an Item to a Module

  1. Once you’ve created a module, click + to add a new item.
  2. Select External URL from the Add drop-down menu.
  3. Paste the URL, give the link a Page Name.

    Please Note: Some links will display nicely without loading in a new tab, others will not. Always review to see that it displayed properly. If not, make sure to check Load in a new tab.

screenshot of link being added in Canvas


Add a Link to a Page


  1. In the page editor, highlight the text you want to hyperlink.
  2. Click Link to URL.
  3. Paste the link and click Insert Link.

    Please Note: All links inserted on pages will automatically open in a new tab.

screenshot of link being added in Canvas text editor


How to Test

Always test your links to make sure your students can access the materials without issue.

  1. Open a browser that you don’t use regularly (i.e. one that won’t have any saved passwords, cached history, etc).
  2. Test the link to make sure it takes you to the UTCID and Password login page.
  3. Login and ensure the correct article comes up.
  4. If you are testing more than one link, clear the browsing history (including cache) each time and repeat steps 2 and 3.

Let Us Do It

Do you need some more guidance on this process? Do you want us to test your links for you? Email any inquiries to [email protected].