Supplemental and Concurrent Enrollment
Enrolling in classes at more than one institution.
A student may take courses at more than one institution that apply to his or her degree.
The student's primary institution is the one that grants the degree. VA also will pay benefits for courses taken at secondary institutions.
Supplemental enrollment is when a student is enrolled at a secondary institution. VA will pay for the credits taken at a secondary institution.
Concurrent enrollment is when a student is enrolled at both the primary school and secondary institutions simultaneously. VA will pay for the combined credit, taking overlapping enrollment dates into account.
The School Certifying Official at the primary institution will provide a letter addressed to the Certifying Official at the secondary institution indicating courses that will be accepted as transfer credit that apply to the student’s degree requirements.
To request a “Parent School Letter” to be sent to the secondary School Certifying Official, submit the following information to your UTC School Certifying Official:
Course schedule from secondary school
Secondary School Certifying Official contact information (email address)
Veteran and Military Affairs
[email protected]