Homecoming Lip Sync
Lip Sync 2024!
Lip Sync is one of our biggest campus traditions of the Homecoming experience where student organizations perform show-stopping, energetic, and creative Lip Sync routines with hopes of earning the top spot!
Register Your Organization Now!
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM
RUN-THROUGH DATE: Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at TBA
VENUE: McKenzie Arena
DIMENSIONS OF PERFORMANCE STAGE: 48’ wide by 24’ deep. Stage is 4’ off the ground, with stairs on each side. There will be pipe & drape across the back of the stage.
There will be NO in-between skits during the duration of each performance.
Awards for the event will be classified as (Best Organization, Best Small Group, Best Large Group, Scrappy Spirit Award)
Registered Student Organizations AND Individual Student Group performances will be accepted for this year’s event.
CONTINUING THIS YEAR: Prop boards or large-scale props will NOT be allowed on stage or included in the production. You can still use small handheld props. (ex. Things that are held in one hand.) Dancing is encouraged in your performance. MOST IMPORTANTLY YOU MUST LIP SYNC!
THEME: The theme of this year’s Homecoming will be FAIRYTALE! Groups are strongly encouraged to incorporate elements of UTC spirit that include but are not limited to the fight song, the Alma Mater, cheers and/or chants. The songs used must coincide with the set theme of your production and the overall Homecoming theme.
COORDINATORS’ CONTACTS: Kyra Hollmon: [email protected], Zoe Crutcher: [email protected]
Monday, May 17, 2024, at 9:00 AM: Registration form opens on MocSync
Friday, September 13, 2024, at 11:59 PM: Registration form closes
October 16, 2024: The final MP3 copy used in your organization's performance and a complete, final roster of participants and pre-show helpers must be submitted no later than this date.
Mandatory Event Meetings: Fall 2024 Semester, to be set at a later date.
Student Organization Groups participating must have completed the Registered Student Organization annual re-registration to be considered an active organization and be able to participate in any Homecoming activity, including Lip Sync.
Songs are first-come, first-serve. To eliminate repeated songs, the first group to submit this form for a particular song gets to perform the song. No two organizations may use the same song with the exception of UTC spirit songs, such as the fight song, the Alma Mater, cheers and/or chants.
The total performance time (including time on and off stage) cannot exceed 5 minutes.
If your organization goes over the time limit, lights will be cut off after 5 minutes. Any show that exceeds the 5 minutes show limit will have an automatic 5-point deduction; if the performance reaches 5 minutes and 30 seconds there will be a 10-point deduction; and if the performance reaches 6 minutes the light will go off, music will stop, and there will be a 20 point deduction.
No confetti, water, glitter, or other similar items may be used during your performance whatsoever. If used, then your organization will be responsible for cleaning it up, and there will be a 25-point deduction. If these substances are found on any attendees or the auditorium floor, the backstage areas or in the designated organizational areas, the organization responsible will be charged a $500 cleaning fee.
Also, your organization may NOT throw items from the stage or from their seats.
No excessive stunting or tumbling. No tumbling passes can include a running start or more than one element. No person’s feet can be lifted above waist level. Stunting and tumbling beyond these rules are subject to disqualification or point deduction at the judge’s discretion and will not be up for reconsideration. (If you have questions about a routine, please contact your event coordinators Kyra Hollman and Zoe Crutcher for questions).
Performances must remain tasteful and not be vulgar or you may risk elimination or drastically reduced scores from the judges. Judge’s discretion will be used and will not be up for reconsideration.
The maximum number of TOTAL participants from your group or organization will be 25 per group. The minimum number of participants from a group or organization will be 5 members per group. The maximum number of performers on the stage will be 15 people at one time. A 5-point deduction will be taken for every time each person over the limit appears on the stage. Only one group per student organization can enter the competition under the student organization name. Individual students may not participate in multiple groups.
Only one group per organization will be allowed to enter the competition.
All individual performers must be in good standing with the University to be eligible to compete. All members performing in an organization but be in good standing with the registered student organization and shown on the roster on MocSync.
If you or members of your organization break-in, or trespass into McKenzie arena the week of Homecoming without a reservation or approval, you will be disqualified, and unable to perform at lip sync.
Each organization will get no more than 30 performance wristbands (backstage and floor access). These are for performers only.
During run-throughs, please be sure to have your organization prepared to get on the stage, run through your performance, and then move off in order to keep the practice running smoothly.
Each group will be allotted a 15-minute rehearsal time in McKenzie Arena the day of the event. During rehearsal run-throughs, if you go over the allotted time, there will be a 5-point deduction.
You MUST clean up all of your items from the dance studio in McKenzie, before we announce the winners.
LIP SYNC JUDGING CRITERIA (100 points total)
All organizations participating in LipSync 2024 are judged using the same judging criteria but will be scored separately based on their classification (Student Organization, Large Group, and Small Group). There will be no differentiation of judging despite what type of organization/group you are competing in.
Creativity (20 points): This will be based on how original and creative you are for your performance.
Enthusiasm & Energy (20 points): How much “life” is given in the performance?
School Spirit/Theme (20 points): The emphasis placed on UTC spirit and the theme this year.
Lip-Sync (20 points): Did the performers lip-sync to the lyrics of the song?
Overall Performance (20 points): Overall impression of performance, creativity, school spirit, and adherence to the theme and rules.
Each run-through will be scheduled randomly and assigned 15 minutes per group.
You will get wristbands during the final mandatory meeting for Lip Sync (backstage access and seating areas).
Performers will arrive for their rehearsal time and event check in using the Lot 35 entrance (unless otherwise communicated)
ALL Performing groups must check in at 6:30 p.m. at McKenzie Arena.
There is no assigned seating chart for all student organizations and guests. It will be first come, first serve.
This event will be FREE for all students, faculty, staff, non-student guests and community members.
No alcohol, drugs, or any member under any influence.
McKenzie Arena enforces a clear bag policy. Groups will have to pass bags and persons through security at check-in locations.
Event Coordinators (Kyra Hollmon and Zoe Crutcher) will communicate all day of information using GroupMe. 1-2 members of each participating group will be included in this GroupMe
Winners are announced at the event. Final scores will be available the next week for representatives to pick up to review with their group.
The UTC Library has a studio, that you can use to edit music and make mashups of songs.
If you need a space to practice in, please reach out to the Lip Sync coordinators via email.
Link to last year's performances: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odtTwwuVq8U&list=PLGfmyO5PP_fAlavbMukHQ5bdHbvTqzQjS
Please submit all materials and questions to, Lip Sync Coordinators, Kyra Hollmon ([email protected]) and Zoe Crutcher ([email protected]).