Registering to Vote
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Registering to Vote
- The voter registration deadline in Tennessee is Monday, October 7, 2024. Students can register online through GoVoteTN .
- University students do not have to register in their hometown (though they can); they have the option of registering in their current place of residence, i.e., Chattanooga (this applies both for Tennessee and out-of-state residents). If they register in their hometown they will either have to travel home to vote or request a mail-in ballot. If they register here in Hamilton County they will be closer to the polls, both during early voting and on election day.
- If students are already registered in their hometown and wish to re-register in Chattanooga, they simply need to fill out a new voter registration form. It might be wise for them to also contact their home county to inform that county's voting commission they are changing their voter registration status.
- Students will receive a voter registration card in the mail confirming their status and providing complete information on which precincts they are in and where they vote on Election Day.
If you aren’t sure if you have registered in the past or not, you visit this link to find out.