Employee Voting
System-wide Policy: HR0395 - Time Off To Vote
Version: 3
Effective Date: 02/05/2019
Time Off to Vote
To encourage all University employees to vote in state, national, and local elections.
All University employees who are registered voters in the state of Tennessee may receive reasonable time off, not to exceed three hours, between the opening and closing of polls, to vote in an election held in the state.
A request to be absent must be made to the employee's supervisor before 12:00 noon the day before the election. The supervisor may specify the hours during which the employee may be absent.
If the polls open three hours or more before the employee's work schedule begins or if the polls close three or more hours after the employee's work schedule ends, the employee may not receive time off to vote.
For employees who reside in other states, the University will provide at least three hours of leave to vote. If an employee’s state of residence provides more than three hours, the University will provide the leave required by that state’s laws.
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