Center for Wellbeing Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous - Find meetings in the UTC area.
Alcohol Screening - Take a confidential screening to help you decide what the next step should be.
Bacchus - The BACCHUS Network™ is a university and community-based network focusing on comprehensive health and safety initiatives. - This website offers information related to medications and drugs currently on the market. This is a great place to research your prescriptions, possible interactions, and side effects of prescriptions or over the counter drugs. It is important to know what you are taking!
Half of Us - A website designed to help college-age students find help and information, fight stigmas associated with mental health issues, and learn from and connect with others.
Narcotics Anonymous - Find information and meetings.
Project Know - Find out more about addiction!
Safe Driving - Find out about the cost of a DUI, BAC information, and much more!
UTC Alcohol and Drug Policy - Know what our campus policies are!
UTC Counseling Center - the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga staff is here to listen and to help you throughout the year.
Disclaimer: As a state institution, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is unable to endorse any third-party services.
UTC makes no representation on the quality of any services made available by third parties. Any inquires for services offered or provided through a third-party, must be directed to such a third-party. UTC excludes to the fullest extent by law, all liability for any third-party services.