Advisement Student Information
When should I speak with my academic advisor?
All students must meet with their advisor prior to course registration each term, but you are encouraged to speak with your advisor any time you have questions related to your academics and student success.
What services can my academic advisor provide?
In addition to general and specific degree requirements, your advisor can be your resource for student success.
Who is my advisor?
Your academic advisor is listed on MyMocsNet under your Academic Profile widget. You may also see your advisor's name on your MyMocsDegree report. If you do not have an advisor assigned, you should quickly contact the academic department to request that one be assigned.
How do I contact my academic advisor?
Your first point of contact should be through UTC email. Your advisor may be emailed by clicking on the envelope icon next to their name under your Academic Profile widget in MyMocsNet. You may also click their name link on your MyMocsDegree.