Questions about Advising? Start here.
All students must meet with their advisor every semester before course registration. You won’t be able to register for classes without first meeting with your advisor.
Your advisor is more than just a tool for registering for classes. They can help you with questions about degree requirements, academic and student success. They’re people, not machines. Advisors know a thing or two about the college process.
Students, use this site to access general information about advising at UTC. This should be your jumping off point to find details about the advisement process specific to your degree program.
Schedule an Appointment
Use Navigate to schedule an appointment with your advisor.
To access Navigate, search for the "Navigate - Advising/Tutoring" Tool in MyMocsNet.
Newly admitted students who have not yet registered for classes may not have access to the Navigate platform and should contact their assigned advisor directly.

Information for Students
Information for Advisors