Dual Admission
Are you a transfer student looking for a clear path to an affordable 4 year degree?
UTC is excited to offer a dual admission program for transfer students. This is your track for making a smooth transition from community college to UTC upon earning an associate's degree from Chattanooga State, Cleveland State or Motlow State.
- Students will have access to more personalized advising from UTC throughout their time at community college to make sure their classes are in line to transfer appropriately.
- Dual Admission students also have the option to use UTC services like the ARC, attend athletic events, use library facilities and have access to University Health Services with a nominal fee each semester.
- Students will receive priority registration the semester of graduation from the community college.
Criteria Checklist
- Student plans to pursue a bachelor's degree at UTC.
- Student meets current admissions criteria for his or her community college.
- Student has earned 29 or fewer college-level course hours (excluding Dual Studies and Prior Learning Assessment credit).
- If college-level courses have been earned, cumulative GPA is greater than 2.0.
Student must complete an Intent to Participate form and submit it to the appropriate department at his or her community college.
Ready to sign up?
Click below to start the process by filling out the Intent to Participate form:
For more promotional information about our Dual Admission partnerships read our news releases.