Recent CECS Student Success Stories Breadcrumb Engineering and Computer Science Student Success Stories ‘Mocs’Phersons: Siblings plugged into video-game arcade While various students and members of CompUTC, the university’s computer science club, have been major players in the maintenance and updating of Mocs. Arcade, the Meet CECS Undergraduate Student Leader Kathryn Rouse Kathryn “Katie” Rouse came to CECS as a transfer student from the University of Virginia, and has been a student leaders in the College from her very first semester here. CECS Green Mocs Participate in National Campus RainWorks Challenge Initiative for Sustainable Growth of an Urban Campus As part of Environmental Protection Agency’s 2017 EPA Campus RainWorks Challenge, in alignment with the City of Baylor School Students and CECS Faculty Explore Ways to Eradicate Malaria UC Foundation Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Dr. Daniel Loveless and Dr. Zach Ruble Post-Doctoral Researcher in the College of Engineering and Computer CECS Student Athletes Named to All-Southern Conference Academic Team Our student athletes in the College of Engineering and Computer Science were recently named to the All-Southern Conference Academic Team. Each semester the SoCon CECS Rocket MOCS Rank Third in National Competitio In the inaugural “launch” of the CECS Rocket Team, aka the Rocket MOCS, placed third in the nation in the University Student Rocketry Challenge. With a focus on exploring CECS Alumnus Greg Goza is TVA’s Engineer of the Year 2018 A UTC College of Engineering and Computer Science graduate is the TVA’s Engineer of the Year for 2018. Greg Goza ’74, ’83 from the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Tags College of Engineering and Computer Science