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Content Creators
What is Content Creators?
Content Creators is a residential learning community (RLC) for students interested in creating content to share with others.
Love taking photographs, making videos, recording podcasts, writing, or making other types of creative content? Interested in learning how to make content to share with others? Then the Content Creators residential learning community is the place for you.
Content Creators welcomes students from all majors and students with varying levels of experience in creating content.
Launching Fall 2023
The Content Creators RLC is launching in August 2023, when the first group of students will move into Decosimo Apartments.
We'll be updating this page in August with more details about the RLC, including featuring some of the students work.
What this space for content created by our RLC residents.
You can also find their content by searching your favorite social media app using the hashtage #ContentCreatorsUTC