Embracing Tomorrow
Strategy 2030
Defining our vision and establishing goals and objectives for a bigger and brighter future at UTC
We are excited to begin the strategic planning process that will set the direction of the campus for the remainder of the decade and build on the strong work already underway.
The goal of the process is to build a strategic plan that is clear, concise, measurable and representative of what we collectively believe is critical to the success of the campus. We also hope this plan lays out a BOLD vision that positions UTC to capitalize on the talent possessed within the student, faculty, staff, alumni and broader community.
Here's our plan for campus discussion:
Steering committee members to serve in this capacity have been selected. Subcommittees will concentrate on the four focus areas communicated in the State of the University—Creating the Mocs Experience, Leveraging Our Special Place as Chattanooga’s University, Cultivating a Culture of Innovation and Operating with Excellence—will be identified over the coming weeks. The steering committee, as well as the subcommittees, will be charged with leading strategic goal development, input gathering, etc. Additionally, there will be numerous opportunities for campus-wide feedback via surveys and forums/meetings throughout the process.