Kodály Scholarships
Mary Ann Lowe/Helen Bryan Memorial Scholarships
The Southeast Chapter of Kodály Educators offers the Mary Ann Lowe and Helen Bryan Memorial Scholarships to students attending the Kodály Institute at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Mary Ann Lowe was a Kodály-trained teacher in the Chattanooga Public Schools elected to the Tennessee Music Education Hall of Fame. Helen Bryan founded the Chattanooga Education in the Musical Arts Association, a non-profit organization which enabled many music educators to be trained in the Kodály approach locally, at national Kodály training centers and in Hungary. Her pioneering work led to the establishment of the Kodály Institute at UTC.
Scholarships will be applied to the course fee. Recipients are responsible for the balance of the fee and the purchase of all necessary books and materials.
To Apply
Applicants should submit a letter to Lee Harris, Director of the Kodály Institute, that describes their current teaching position, experience with the Kodály approach, and commitment to incorporating the Kodály concept in the classroom. Applicants for Level II or III scholarships must have completed the appropriate prerequisite courses at an approved Kodály training institution and should state so in the letter.
Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of need, appropriate qualifications and evidence of commitment to Kodály-based music education.
Letters may be submitted as an email attachment.
Dr. Lee Harris
Performing Arts: Music - 1451
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
615 McCallie Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37403-2598
Email: [email protected]