Faculty Grants
The faculty grants program provides funding to support activities of full-time faculty. There are three rounds each year, with deadlines on August 15 for fall semester activities, November 15 for spring semester activities, and April 1 for summer activities.
For questions about the grant program, please contact the Faculty Grants Committee Chair.
This grant program is for full-time faculty. Proposals are funded up to $1,500 for professional development activities and conference presentations, and up to $2,500 for research and creative activities. Proposals requiring international travel may be awarded up to $500 in additional funding.
If a faculty member is on a year-long professional or non-professional development leave, they are still permitted to apply for a faculty development grant.
Support for Group grants, summer fellowships, student wages/student stipend, course release time are no longer available from this program.
- Professional Development includes workshops, conferences, and seminars that provide education related to your discipline, research, and/or teaching and learning.
- Conference Participation such as presentations, workshops, panels, and posters in which you are a presenter are supported by this program.
- The Research and Creative Activity category supports activities that contribute to your scholarly work at UTC, such as musical or theatrical performances, literary readings, art exhibitions, workshops and posters. It is encouraged that research and creative activities funded by this program will be presented at Research Dialogues.
Please ensure that your proposal does not contain any budgeting errors. It is essential to double-check all numbers and calculations for accuracy to avoid any potential misunderstandings or delays in processing your grant application. Do not forget to include the exact amount of funding you are requesting in your proposal. Clearly state this figure in both the budget section and the project narrative to ensure consistency across your application.
Step 1:
To apply for a grant, complete the appropriate application. See below. Note: There are drop-down menus in the form. To complete the form, you must download it and/or open it in Microsoft Word. The online version of Word will not correctly display the fields.
For those of you who are department heads submitting an application, please ensure that a representative from the corresponding Dean's office reviews and provides their signature on part 4 of the grant application.
Download the Faculty Grant Proposal Application (open in MS Word...not web view)
Submit your completed application to the Faculty Grants SharePoint site:
Click to Access the Faculty Grants SharePoint Site
The evaluation rubric is found in the form.
Complete applications will be reviewed and rated by the Faculty Grants committee using the rubric found in the application form. Applications lower in total score, or lacking in a criterion, are less likely to be recommended.
Final Report: Faculty with funded proposals are required to submit a final report describing project activities and expenditures. It is also expected that research and creative activities funded by this program will be presented at UTC's Annual Research Dialogues.