The Multilevel Nature of TOH@UTC
Complex challenges like Total Organizational Health (TOH) require comprehensive and holistic approaches to evaluation and intervention. Building and sustaining strengths within UTC for each of the core elements to our TOH@UTC framework requires efforts at all levels within this organization. This is why this initiative takes a multilevel approach to monitoring and responding to TOH-related needs for our campus. Guiding this part of our approach is an established model for intervention development and evaluation known as the IGLOO framework (developed and studied by Karina Nielsen and colleagues, see especially Nielsen et al., 2017 and 2018). This IGLOO framework is represented in the following figure:
With this framework as a guide, the TOH@UTC initiative involves identifying and addressing TOH-related needs directly with individual employees, groups of employees (e.g., departments and work teams), leaders at all levels within the university, the organization overall, and the overarching context in which this university functions (including the Chattanooga region, the broader University of Tennessee system, and the even broader higher education domain).