Research Conflicts of Interest
DASH Research Conflict of Interest
Find more information on the DASH research site.
- Background
In January 2025, UT will be retiring the Systems Applications and Products platform, known as IRIS, and implementing a new, cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, known as DASH (Dynamic Administrative Systems for Higher Ed).
Currently, IRIS manages the outside interest disclosures for all UT employees. However, with the replacement of IRIS with DASH, a new platform for managing outside interests, activities and commitments to align with state and federal regulations was needed.
The new Conflict of Interest system (from Huron Research Suite) will be replacing the current outside interest disclosure process. Within DASH Research, this Conflicts of Interest module (DASH COI) will have two different workflow paths; one will be for personnel not involved in research, and the second, for personnel who are involved in research activities.
- What is Conflicts of Interest?
The University’s GE0002 – Conflicts of Interest & Commitment policy requires employees to file a disclosure of outside interests and activities to help the University identify and manage conflicts between an employee’s outside interests and his or her University responsibilities.
The comprehensive outside interest disclosure (OID) form collects information regarding employee’s outside activities, interests, commitments, compensation, and foreign relationships. Collecting this data enables the University to enhance our assistance to individuals and more efficiently address federal reporting requirements.
- Timeline
December 1, 2024: UTC is currently conducting its annual disclosure period for all employees. December 1, 2024 is the deadline for employees that have not completed an OID form in 2024 to complete their disclosure. This should be completed within IRIS.
December 13, 2024: Supervisors must complete their review of outside interest disclosures within their IRIS inbox.
January 6, 2025: Starting on this date, any employee who did not submit their outside interest disclosure by December 1, will need to submit their disclosure within DASH research COI.
- Training
Systemwide End-User Training on December 2 and 4: All employees are invited to attend systemwide training on December 2 at 10AM Eastern or December 4 at 2PM Eastern. The training will cover submitting a Conflict of Interest (COI) Certification and approval by the Supervisor. At the end of the training, there will be time for moderated Q&A. The training will be recorded and available on K@TE if a user cannot attend. Additional campus-based training will be available in early 2025.
Join the training sessions here.
DASH COI demonstration videos can be found here.- Questions?
Conducting research and have questions about conflicts of interest? Contact Cheryl Murphy, Director of Research Integrity; [email protected]; 423-425-4443 OR the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)
For more resources related to completion of the form and details of OID form approval workflows, visit the IRIS outside interest disclosure help or IRIS Admin Support OID websites. You may also submit an IRIS Helpdesk Ticket to request assistance with troubleshooting issues with completion or submission of the form.
Please visit the Human Resources University Conflict of Interest Disclosure website to view updated information for our campus.