Changes and Unexpected Problems
What if you need to make changes?
If you need to make changes to your project (e.g., extension of an end date, a change in principal investigator, minimal changes in the wording of a survey instrument, or increasing the sample size from the same sample pool), you must fill out a Form B: Application for Changes, Annual Review, or Project Termination/Completion outlining the modifications. Prior to making any changes that will affect the information given on a previously approved application, the investigator must have approval from the IRB Chair. The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) will contact the investigator by email with approval or if the changes outlined on the application are not acceptable. Some changes might require submission of a completely new application, but all change requests should begin with a Form B.
What happens if you forget to submit an application for Continuing Review?
Continuing Review is required for Expedited research that has been approved prior to July 19, 2018, Expedited research approved after July 19, 2018 and determined to require a Continuing Review by the IRB, and Full Board Approved research.
The investigator must receive a letter from ORI stating that the research is renewed prior to the anniversary date or the research must be suspended pending an approved renewal notice. No research activities may take place during a lapse of approval between the protocol expiration date and approval of annual renewal. If Continuing Review has not been obtained following 30 days after the expiration of the protocol, ORI will designate the protocol terminated and no additional research may take place under that IRB number. Should the investigator wish to resume research activities, he/she will need to undergo full protocol review and be assigned a new IRB number. Projects which are found to be continuing without IRB approval are in non-compliance with UTC policy and federal regulations. In these circumstances a non-compliance report may be sent to the Provost for further action.
What happens if there are problems that result from your study (e.g., injuries to a subject, breach of confidentiality, failure to follow protocol/research design)?
All investigators conducting research on human subjects must report any injuries or adverse events associated with the study procedures and/or problems involving the conduct of individuals associated with the study which occur during the course of their research project. This is called an adverse event and requires a report to be submitted to the IRB. More information is available in IRB policy. Failure to report is a breach of the conditions under which IRB approval is given, and could result in suspension or revocation of approval. Suspension or revocation of approval could result in loss of support by funding agencies and loss of the right to publish.
What happens if you know that research is being conducted in violation of IRB policy?
Researchers are required to report any possible violations of IRB policy.
The IRB will conduct an inquiry following any report of possible misconduct related to human research activities that may come from subjects, study personnel, staff, students, or faculty. If, for instance, a research project is being conducted without IRB approval, or an improper method of recruiting subjects is being used, or undue influence is being placed upon prospective subjects to participate in a study, the IRB has no means of learning about such situations and rectifying them unless it is informed that they are taking place. Thus, in order to fulfill its obligation to protect human subjects in research, the institution depends upon concerned individuals, including investigators, to inform the IRB of any possible misconduct related to research activities of which they become aware.
Such incidents are usually reported by telephone or in writing to the Director of Research Integrity or the Chair of the IRB Committee. An inquiry is made to the investigator conducting the research activity, maintaining requested anonymity of the individual submitting the report whenever possible. Depending upon the outcome of the IRB's initial inquiry, information about the incident may be forwarded to the Institution Signatory, the Provost, or the Chancellor for appropriate resolution.