Finding and Borrowing Course Reserves
What is a course reserve?
Course reserves are books, DVDs, lab materials, and other items placed on reserve for specific academic courses at the request of faculty.
How do I find reserve items?
Use the search box to find reserve items by instructor name, course ID (i.e. ENGL1020), or keyword.
Search Course Reserves
How do I access reserve items?
Online Reserves — click "View Now" to access online materials.
- UTCID and password required for off-campus access.
- Adobe Reader or another viewer is required to open PDFs.
- Additionally, check the UTC Learn site for your course for further assigned readings.
Physical Reserves - (books and videos) can be checked out from the library's Check Out Desk on the first floor of the UTC Library.
- A valid Mocs Card is required to check out items.
- Loan periods for reserve items are 3 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, or 7 days as determined by your instructor.
- You can check out up to 5 reserve items at one time.
- Fines for reserve items accrue at $5.00 per day late.
Questions? Contact Us.