Social Work Student Outcomes BSW Program
University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Bachelors in Social Work (BSW) Program
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
Last Updated June 2023
All Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) programs measure and report student outcomes. Students are assessed across the curriculum on their demonstrated mastery of nine core competencies set forth by the CSWE Educational Standards. The assessment report documents the percentage of students meeting benchmark set by the UTC-BSW program.
The assessment benchmark set by UTCâs BSW program is 80% percent of BSW students will score at least a four on a Five-point Likert scale on the identified embedded measure items and the Field Performance Assessment. Assessment scores of four or higher represents mastery of each competency. Assessment scores represent an aggregate mean of student outcomes on each measure. The percentage of students meeting the benchmark on the embedded measure and the Field Performance Assessment is averaged together for the total outcome measure benchmark score.
Please click on the link below to access the BSW Student Outcome Reporting form
BSW Assessment Form Outcome