Social Work Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a pre-social work major and a social work major?
A pre-social work major is a student who is completing the required pre-requisite courses for the BSW degree (usually freshman and sophomore students). Once the pre-requisite courses are completed, pre-social work majors are eligible to apply for formal admission to the social work program. Once a student is formally admitted to the program, their major code is changed to SOCW.
What’s the process to apply to the social work program?
You can find more information on how to apply to the Social Work Program with this link: Application Information
What does a social worker do?
A social worker is involved in creating change to better people's lives. This can be done by working with individuals, families, with groups, working in the community or being involved in creating new programs and/or changing social policy.
Who will help me develop a plan to complete my BSW degree?
Each pre-social work and and social work major are assigned an academic advisor who is a full-time faculty member in the department. We meet with students each semester to create a program plan and are always available to meet with students who have questions or concerns.
When can I apply to the program
The deadline for submitting the completed application packet for consideration for admission is mid-February for the next upcoming fall semester cohort.
When can I enter the Social Work Program?
Students usually apply in the second semester of the sophomore year and must have completed all pre-requisites.
What is the process if I am interested in the child welfare tuition and stipend program?
Usually students apply to the Title IV-E program in their junior year. Click on the DCS Child Welfare link for application information: Child Welfare
Can I pursue a minor?
Some of our students pursue minors in sociology or psychology; a minor is not a requirement for the BSW degree.
Is it possible to arrange my own placement?
In order to maintain the integrity of the placement process and because of its long-standing relationships with social work agencies, the Field Education Director is responsible for developing student placements. Students are not to contact agencies independently (e.g. not to inquire about available placements, not to arrange interviews).
How many hours will my field placement require?
400 Hours. Students must complete at least 200 hours a semester.
I’ve completed coursework at another university. Will my credits transfer?
Yes. We accept transfer credits from community colleges and universities. Please schedule an advising appointment with the department to determine which social work credits transfer - we evaluate coursework for transfer credit on an individual basis. Credit for other non-social work courses must be evaluated through the Admissions Office - the Social Work Department does not evaluate general education credit courses.