Public Health Student Association (PHSA)
PHSA is a student-run organization open to all students interested in the field of public health. PHSA encourages active participation in developing community public health awareness by organizing service, academic, and social events throughout the year. Interested in joining or have questions about PHSA, please email [email protected] or visit the PHSA MocSync page.
PHSA Events:
- November 9th, 2024- American Heart Association Heart Walk at Chattanooga Lookouts Stadium
- April 7 - 13, 2025 - National Public Health Week
- Join us in observing National Public Health Week 2025 and become part of a growing movement to create the healthiest nation in one generation. We’ll celebrate the power of community, share strategies for successful partnerships, and champion the role of a strong public health system.
- Follow/Like Tennessee Public Health Association on Facebook @tnpublichealth
Students in Action:
MPH in San Salvador, Bahamas
MPH students, faculty and staff have made multiple trips to San Salvador, Bahamas where they have conducted community needs assessment regarding fruit and vegetable intake and access to healthier food options. The MPH students also went to the local elementary school where they conducted a nutrition focus presentation, was able to teach the students at the school how to plant herbs at home and experienced Commonwealth Day where they heard from the students at the school about different countries and cultures! Additionally, MPH students started a community garden at the Gerace Research Institute that can be used for any community member on the island.
MPH & OT Collaboration - Delivering Evidence-Based Program in our Community!
Public Health faculty member, Dr. Elizabeth Hathaway, partnered with Dr. Elicia Cruz and students from the UTC Occupational Therapy (OT) program as part of an interdisciplinary project to deliver an evidence-based program, Matter of Balance (MOB), throughout Chattanooga. MOB is an 8-session program, structured group intervention that emphasizes practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels among people with disabilities and geriatric populations.
Our first year MPH students were certified by OT faculty member, Dr. Erin Melhorn earlier in January. Both MPH and OT students facilitated the MOB sessions across nine sites in the Chattanooga community. A special thank you goes out to the following community partners:
Ridgedale Baptist Church Purpose Point Community Health John Calvin Apartments YMCA Downtown YMCA Cleveland Silvertree Seniors The Bridge at Ooltewah Caldstead Foundation Community Orange Grove
MPH & Austin Hatcher Foundation
Public Health students were able to provide nutrition education to the kids participating in camps at Austin Hatcher Foundation. They taught students about the importance of a balanced meal, what a healthy plate looks like, created art by using different fruits and vegetables as well as created a few healthy snacks such as a green smoothie and no-bake protein balls! Our students had a fantastic time and looking forward to continue our partnership with Austin Hatcher!
MPH Student Serves in the Dominic Republic
UTC MPH Cohort 2022 Student Emory Evans went to the Dominican Republic where she participated in an amputee hand-fitting as well as needs assessment for portable water filtration systems. She traveled as a Rotarian Intern under the guidance of Dr. Catherine Colby, who was once a professor at UTC. Check out these articles to learn more about the work she was part of!
PHSA Mission:
The mission of PHSA is to bring students, faculty, staff and alumni together to create an environment in which everyone can experience, learn, and embrace public health.
- Expose students from diverse educational backgrounds on the UTC campus to public health
- Promote public health initiatives across the community
- Provide students with professional development and networking opportunities
- Create a welcoming environment that fosters social interactions between students, alumni, faculty, and staff
- Executive Board Officers
2024-2025 Executive Officers:
Co-Presidents: Emily Holden and Brittany Rogers
Secretary: Hind Mohamed-ahmed
Treasurer: Erica Carr
2023-2024 Executuve Board Officers:
Co-Presidents: Laura Baker and Emi Rogers
VP: Henrichka Joseph
Secretary: Emily Holden
Treasurer: Brooke Rieves
Community Service Chair: Brittany Rogers
Recruitment Liaison: Justin Ballew
2022-2023 Executive Board Officers:
President: Victoria Norwood
VP: Henrichka Joseph
Secretary: Laura Baker
Community Service Chair: Emi Rogers
2021 - 2022 Executive Board Officers:
President: Ashley Montgomery
VP: Shelby Nolan
Secretary: Henrichka Joseph
Treasurer: Keaira Colbert
Undergraduate Liaison Iqra Sheikh
2020 - 2021 Executive Board Officers:
President: Taylor Moore
VP: Ryan Ledford
Secretary: Ashley Montgomery
Treasurer: Shelby Nolan
2019-2020 Executive Board Officers:
Co-President: Zach Farley & Megan Sloan
Marketing Officer: Kate Anderson
Treasurer: Mary Crutchfield
Vice-President: Jordan Norris
Secretary: Ashley Simmons
2018-2019 Executive Board Officers:
President: Kori Hahn
Social Media Officer: Maddy Lett
Treasurer: Taylor Moore
Secretary: Ashley Simmons
Recruitment Officer: Zachary Farley
Community Engagement Officer: Megan Sloan