Arts-Based Collaborative Programs for Teachers

Registration Info

Registration Deadline: July 1st, 2018

Cost: FREE!

Professional Development Hours: Earn up to 48 hours. 

Spots are limited to 30 educators per track! Please request your application and review additional guidelines by emailing Laurie Melnik at:

[email protected] 

Application Request


Please do not continue with the application if anyone from your team cannot commit to the following:

1) Actively participate as a team in one of the Summer Arts Learning Lab Tracks.

2) Attend at least 2 Planning Clinics OR schedule 2 SCEA Mentor Meetings at your school during the 2018-2019 academic year. Planning clinics are TBD. The SCEA Mentor Meetings are offered for teams that cannot make scheduled planning clinics once details are confirmed.

3) Implement developed unit plan before the 4th quarter of the 2018-2019 academic year.

4) Present your unit and share samples of student work during the Celebration for ALL event on May 2, 2019 at the UTC Library Southern Writer's Room from 5:00pm-8:00pm.

5) Upload completed unit plan to the Tennessee Arts Commission lesson plan database by May 4, 2019. Confirmation of upload and copy of your unit plan must be sent to Laurie Melnik at:

[email protected]

Support Provided By

Tennessee Arts Commission Vertical Logo
2018 Collaboration

Instructional Design

Design instruction using out-of-the- box techniques for planning  STEAM-based, arts-integrated unit plans that are standards-based, embrace cultural and community assets, and connect with learning objectives in arts and literacy. 

2018 Visual Arts

Arts Knowledge & Skill

Build arts content knowledge and skill, activate STEAM-based classroom strategies, and equip your teaching toolbox with facilitation techniques that support student-driven instruction and problem-based learning.

2018 Big Idea


Collaborate with colleagues and engage in a  professional learning community that provides ongoing support, actively brainstorms, shares resources, encourages creativity and innovation, and contextualizes ideas with students.

UTC media
2018 Summer Lab
UTC media
2018 Planning Clinic
UTC media
2018 Celebration for All

Arts-Based Collaborative

Arts-Based Collaborative