Business Analytics Certificate
The UTC Business Analytics Certificate Program is designed to meet the demand of businesses for data savvy professionals, now and in the future. This graduate certificate program helps marketers, business analysts, accountants, financial analysts, executives, small business owners and other non-IT professionals effectively analyze business data through the hands-on use of modeling and other techniques using popular software tools such as spreadsheets and SAS.
Quick Facts
- Consists of four required graduate-level business analytics courses.
- Based on the best industry practices.
- Cosponsored by SAS.
- Benchmarked after the best data analytics programs around the country.
- Offers a balance between data management systems and data analysis.
- Utilizes a hands-on approach and real world projects.
- Includes a real-life data project completed through DATA 5190 (Data Mining & Analytics) & DATA 5200 (Advanced Data Analytics).
The graduate certificate in business analytics is a direct response to local and regional market demand for business analysts. The business analytics program provides technical knowledge of basic business analytics concepts, database management, advanced queries and reports, SAS skills, and advanced data analytics. The graduate certificate program covers extensive use of data, basic and advanced statistical and quantitative analysis, exploratory and predictive models, and fact-based management to generate knowledge and drive decisions and actions.