Working with a Survivor
Please visit the official page for UTC's Policy on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking for the most up-to-date policy and procedural information.
Mandatory Reporters
University employees called “Mandatory Reporters” are required to report sexual misconduct, relationship violence, stalking and retaliation to the University. Mandatory Reporters are not confidential university resources.
The only way for any person to provide notice to the university of an incident of sexual assault or relationship violence is to report the incident to a Mandatory Reporter. If an incident is not reported to a Mandatory Reporter, the university will not be able to take steps to identify resources or promptly, thoroughly, and equitably investigate the incident and/or resolve the situation in order to eliminate the sexual misconduct or relationship violence, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects on the complainant or the University community.
Mandatory Reporters are identified in the University’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence and Stalking in Section III.A (non-law enforcement), Section III.B.1 (UTCPD), and Appendix B. View Section VI for information on specific responsibilities and guidelines for Mandatory Reporters. Questions concerning whether a particular employee is a Mandatory Reporter should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at (423) 425-4255 or [email protected].
- Steps to Take
Receive Information
Ensure first that the student knows your mandatory reporting responsibilities.
Listen actively. Don’t interrupt, or inject your feelings. Your caring but silent attention will be invaluable.
Never blame them for being assaulted. Even if the student reports feeling responsible, say clearly and caringly that it wasn’t their fault.
Ask before you touch. Don’t assume that physical contact, even a gentle touch or hug, will be comforting to a survivor. Be patient, give them the space they need.
Inform the student that victim advocacy services are available from Survivor Advocacy Services, 24/7, by calling 423-425-HELP and asking for the advocate on call.
Inform the student that you are glad that they chose to tell you, and that you must now inform certain individuals within the University, including those that can offer them the best support and resources, such as the Title IX Coordinator who may be reached Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM, by calling 423-425-4255.
Take action. Per the UTC Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence, and Stalking Policy, section VI, part A, “a Mandatory Reporter who receives information concerning an incident of Prohibited Conduct shall” take the following required actions:
Assist the student with obtaining medical assistance (if needed or requested) and inform the complainant that certified victim advocacy services are available from Survivor Advocacy Services, 423-425-HELP, and
Encourage the student to report the incident to law enforcement and assist them in contacting law enforcement if requested by the student, and
Notify the Title IX Coordinator of all allegations or reports within 48-hours of receiving the report.
- Phone: 423-425-4255
- Email: [email protected]
- Referral form: