Using Scrappy's Cupboard

Scrappy's Cupboard is open to all members of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) community.
Students must be enrolled in at one (1) credit hour and be in need of emergency food assistance.
University and Affiliate employees must be actively employed with the University or a University contractor and be in need of emergency food assistance.
Members of the UTC community may use Scrappy's Cupboard more than once, but will be asked to speak with a staff member from the Office of Student Outreach and Support to discuss how additional or alternate assistance may be obtained.
Using Scrappy's Cupboard is simple! Just follow these easy steps:
Schedule your time using our online scheduling system by Clicking Here or visit the Office of the Student Outreach & Support in University Center, Suite 399.
Visit Scrappy's Cupboard in University Center, Suite 399 at your scheduled time. Don't forget to bring your Mocs ID!