Core Courses
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The Masters in Engineering Management – Concentration in Power degree, is built on three key foundations (management, power fundamentals, course flexibility). Below, you will find the courses which support these foundations:
- Core Courses: Management
- Power Courses: Power Fundamentals
- Electives: Course flexibility to tailor your degree
Core Courses:
(5 Courses @ 3 hrs each + Capstone Project I & II = 18 hrs)
- ENGM 5030: Statistics for Engineering Managers
- ENGM 5040: Decision Making & Optimization
- ENGM 5500: Concepts in Eng. Mgmt (incl. proposals, marketing, sales)
- ENGM 5540: Technical Project Mgmt (include project budgeting)
- ENGM 5580: Advanced Eng. Economy (include departmental budgeting)
- ENGM 5950: Capstone Project I (1 hr)
- ENGM 5960: Capstone Project II (2 hrs)
Power Courses:
(2 Courses @ 3 hrs each = 6 hrs)
ENGM 5660: Power Fundamentals I (Electric Systems / Power Trans, Power Dist, Substation)
Electrical Systems
- Power Generation & Control Equipment
- Power Transmission
- Power Distribution
- Substations
Power Distribution
- Distribution System Design
- Voltage Levels
- Key Components
- Overhead Distribution Line
- Key Components
- Underground Distribution Line
- Distribution Automation & SCADA
Power Transmission
- Function-Components
- Transmission Line-System
- Voltage Levels and Power Transfer
- DC Transmission
- Lightning and Switching Surges & Insulation Coordination
- Underground Transmission
- Right of Way
- Substation Layout and Equipment
- Distribution Substations
- Substation Integration and Automation
- Substation Protection and Control Design
- Fact Devices and Voltage Control
- Substation Service
- Substation Grounding and Lightning Protection
ENGM 5670: Power Fundamentals II (Power Generation & Renewables)
Power Generation
- Generation Station Types
- Steam
- Hydroelectric
- Combustion Engine & Turbine
- Wind
- Co-generation
- Biomass
- Resource Recovery
- Dispersed MicroGeneration
- Battery Storage (BaS)
- Solar
Other Electives
(3 Courses @ 3 hrs each = 9 hrs)
Participants will choose 3 of the following 6 electives:
- ENGM 5100: Data Analytics for Engineering Mgrs
- ENGM 5520: Reliability Engineering
- ENGM 5560: Quality Management Systems
- ENGM 5620: Strategic Bidding & Estimating
- ENGM 5830: Strategic Management & Technology
- ENGM 5870: Supply Chain and Logistics