Program of Study
- Each degree seeking graduate student must complete and file a POS, i.e., form GS #101, by the end of the first semester of enrollment in graduate coursework. The CPSC GS#101 template.
- All information requested must be provided before the POS will be accepted and approved by the Graduate School.
- The student must provide name, UTCID, the degree being sought, major, concentration, the first semester enrolled in graduate courses, the hours required for the degree, the number of credit hours in core courses in the degree, and the number of credit hours in elective courses in the degree.
- In the space provided, the core courses in the degree program must be listed. Elective courses may be listed at this time if known, but this is not required. Elective courses will be listed on the Application for Candidacy form (GS#103) when the student applies for graduation.
- When listing courses (core or elective), the course prefix, number, title, and number of credit hours must be provided. For the courses the student is currently enrolled when filing the POS list the semester; however, Graduate School staff will fill in the semester and grades on all other courses.
- A comprehensive exam is not required for the M.S. in Computer Science (note: does this need to be specified?)
- Transfer courses being requested to be included in the POS must be listed in the space provided.
- If additional space is needed to list core courses, electives (if listed), and transfer courses, use the POS and Candidacy Continuation form (GS#102).
- Secure all signatures and submit the form to the Graduate Office, 103 Race Hall.