What is A&SRC?
The Arts and Sciences Residential College (A&SRC) is one of five residential colleges on UTC’s campus. A&SRC houses ten residential learning communities (RLCs) that bring together students with similar interests to live and learn with one another. Nine of our RLCs are sponsored by specific departments from the College of Arts and Sciences and focus on unique curricular themes. As part of the RLC experience, participants also enroll in one or two courses with their fellow members, fostering bonds and extending their learning beyond the classroom.
While education is essential, college is about much more than what happens in the classroom! As members of A&SRC, students make life-long friendships, develop a support system, and participate in transformative experiences that shape their futures. One example is the exclusive A&SRC Explorers program: in this competitive application-based program, selected A&SRC members travel to Mexico. These students are immersed in Mexico’s vibrant culture as they learn about the Yucatán peninsula’s history, experience its culture firsthand, encounter the natural resources that have shaped the region's development, and engage with students and faculty from the area's foremost university, UADY (Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán).
As a student success initiative, A&SRC's mission is to cultivate in our students a sense of belonging that promotes inclusion, instills confidence, and empowers them to try new things, set ambitious goals, and push themselves to succeed. A&SRC students are full of passion, energy, and a clear sense of purpose; A&SRC’s coordinators, programming assistants, and Housing and Residence Life partners help channel these attributes into actions that build habits for academic achievement and success beyond graduation.
If you are already admitted to UTC and are majoring in a College of Arts and Sciences program or are undeclared, you can apply for A&SRC membership by following these steps:
- Complete the A&SRC Membership Application. Directions for accessing the form follow:
- Navigate to the UTC Application Portal.
- Click the Sign In button and log in using your UTC credentials.
- Click the Other Applications button.
- On the following page, select Arts & Sciences Residential College App from the dropdown menu.
- Complete and submit the form.
- Accept and sign the A&SRC Participant Guidelines and Expectations Acknowledgment form.
- Submit your Housing application and indicate Sustainable Mocs as your desired RLC.
- When Housing notifies you of your room assignment in your RLC, accept the offer within their stipulated timeline.
- Submit your $400.00 housing pre-payment to finalize next year's A&SRC membership.

A&SRC Student Retention and Performance Metrics -Fall 2022 through Spring 2024
Why A&SRC?
As a student success initiative, A&SRC prioritizes our students’ success, which we measure in terms of retention and progression toward degree completion and graduation. Building community and creating a sense of belonging in our residential learning communities is the foundation of the support network we provide our students.
Beyond community-building, we provide special experiences to engage our participants in and out of the classroom. Our social activities Are fun and entice students to connect, but our co-curricular activities add another level of engagement to their studies by taking the learning out of the classroom and into the community or professional sector. Moreover, our service opportunities help empower our students, building character, agency, and the confidence to make a positive difference in the world.
Through our collaborations with campus partners, we can offer special resources to support our students’ personal needs, whether academic, social, or emotional. Through a partnership with UTC’s Center for Academic Support and Advisement, we provide peer tutoring in the residence hall, increasing our students’ access to this beneficial academic resource. Another valuable resource is the Faculty-in-Residence, who resides at Decosimo Apartments as part of our community. This College of Arts and Sciences faculty member provides another layer of support, from advising, mentoring, and tutoring our students to leading special programming and engaging in social interactions with Decosimo residents. Our partners in Housing and Residence Life offer our members more support and programming coordinated by our Resident Director and Resident Assistants.
With this intricate and robust support network in place, it is no surprise that A&SRC members fare better than the general campus population: A&SRC students are retained by the university at higher rates than their non-A&SRC peers; moreover, they outperform their non-A&SRC peers academically, as shown by their GPAs.
So, why A&SRC? Because our mission is to support your success.
Want to learn more? Read on!
- Guiding Force: RLC Coordinators
These are faculty and staff within the College of Arts and Sciences. Coordinators usually teach one or more courses exclusively for their RLCs. Additionally, they plan and lead several co-curricular and social activities for their members each semester and provide informal mentoring for their students.
- Peer Support: Programming Assistants
These RLC members are typically returning students who previously participated in their community. They help coordinators organize and promote events and facilitate general communication with RLC members. Programming assistants receive special scholarships from Housing and Residence Life for their valuable contributions to their RLCs.
- Residence Hall Guidance and Mentoring: Faculty in Residence
The Faculty in Residence (FIR) lives in Decosimo and provides formal and informal interaction through educational programming, classes, individual and small-group advising, and casual association with our students. The A&SRC FIR is a faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Building Community in the Classroom
RLC Coordinators select one or more courses that align with their membership’s particular interests and curricular plans and designate these as their RLC academic cohort courses. RLC members enroll in these courses as a group to help build community in the classroom. A&SRC members are expected to participate in their designated academic cohort courses.
- Learning Beyond the Classroom
At A&SRC, learning happens in the classroom, in the residence hall, and in the community. Special activities and events amplify our students’ learning and skill acquisition and provide them with unique opportunities to apply this new-found knowledge and skills.
- Recipe for Success
Our mission is your success. We recognize that A&SRC’s benefits grow out of your engagement. For this reason, we want you to understand that accepting a place in A&SRC is an implicit commitment to be an engaged member of our communities, participate in our special programming, explore our resources, and take advantage of our unique services.
- Eligibility
UTC undergraduate residential students majoring in programs in the College of Arts and Sciences are eligible to join A&SRC’s RLCs. Most RLCs are open to first-year, returning, and transfer students. Undeclared students interested in CAS academic programs are also eligible to participate.
- Application Process
Applying is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Follow these steps:
- Begin: Complete the Residential College Life Interest Form to get you on our contact list.
- Follow Up: Apply for Admission to UTC. Once you are admitted, complete the A&SRC Membership Application (via the UTC Application Portal) and accept and sign the A&SRC Participant Guidelines and Expectations Acknowledgment. Our staff and RLC Coordinators will review your application and notify you of your status.
- Confirm and Finalize: Confirm your A&SRC membership by completing the UTC Housing Application, indicating your A&SRC RLC on your Housing application, and answering ALL questions on the application. When Housing emails you the invitation to join the RLC, you MUST formally accept the Housing invitation and pay your $400.00 Housing deposit to finalize your membership in your RLC and A&SRC.
- Cost
A&SRC is funded by a partnership between the College of Arts and Sciences, its constituent departments, and Housing and Residence Life. This means you can participate in this fantastic program at no extra cost!
- Participant Guidelines and Expectations
A&SRC is a student success initiative that brings together UTC’s Academic Affairs faculty and Student Affairs staff to develop and incorporate high-impact practices that amplify student success. The program’s mission is to cultivate a sense of belonging in its members by creating communities that live together in a residence hall and engage in curricular (through academic cohort courses), co-curricular (through RLC-organized programming), service, and social activities. Interested students must apply and be accepted to participate in this competitive program. Participation in A&SRC and its RLCs is FREE, thanks to support from our partners in Housing and Residence Life, the College of Arts and Sciences, and its constituent departments. We make this significant investment to benefit our students, but for this impact to result, students must commit to being fully engaged participants.
The following guidelines clarify A&SRC’s expectations of its student participants. You must acknowledge your understanding of these guidelines by signing the acknowledgment statement as part of the application process. Please note that your A&SRC and RLC membership are not finalized until you have signed the acknowledgment statement. Your signature also asserts your commitment to abide by these guidelines and expectations. Failure to do so will result in your forfeiting your membership and being room-changed out of your RLC in Decosimo so other interested students can participate.
Academic Cohort Courses: Our faculty and staff partners carefully select the academic cohort courses to cultivate community in the classroom. As an A&SRC participant, you are expected to enroll and remain enrolled in these courses. Academic cohorts are unique to each RLC and include courses in the Fall and Spring semesters.
RLC Activity Programming Participation: RLC Coordinators organize and lead co-curricular and social activities to strengthen the bond within our communities. Engagement is an indispensable part of this process and our student success model. With that in mind, you are expected to participate in these activities. Your RLC plans at least six activities every academic year (three per semester), and you are expected to participate in at least four of these (two per semester).
Residence Hall Engagement: Our partnership with Housing and Residence Life enables us to provide additional engagement and support opportunities in our residence hall (and adjacent congregational spaces at Stacy Town Center). These opportunities are also designed to develop skills, strengthen community building, and provide additional support services. Take full advantage of these resources to help you along your path to success.
Service Activities: Our model also uses service activities to give back to the community and to develop a sense of agency in our participants. You will be expected to participate in at least four service activities yearly (two per semester). These may be formal service events organized by A&SRC, its constituent RLCs, or UTC. Additionally, you may opt to perform individual service hours organized independently with one of our Chattanooga community partnering organizations. In such cases, three (3) hours of individual service performed will equal one A&SRC/RLC/UTC-sponsored service event.
Communication via Navigate: A&SRC and its RLCs use Navigate to communicate with our members. When you receive emails and text messages from Navigate, you are expected to read and respond to them (when appropriate).
Good Academic Standing: A&SRC’s mission is to support your academic progression toward graduation. UTC defines Good Academic Standing as earning a GPA of 2.0 or higher. If your GPA falls below 2.0, you will be offered an Academic Success Plan, which includes student success measures such as academic coaching and tutoring. Following and completing your academic success plan will ensure you remain eligible to participate in your RLC.
Faculty in Residence: Our faculty are your primary resource in the classroom, and with the Faculty in Residence program, they are also a great resource in the residence hall. We have embedded in our residence hall a faculty member committed to your success who wants to engage with you regularly and provide extra support as needed. Take advantage of this unique and valuable resource!
The residential college is a substantial resource to bolster your success at UTC; however, no institutional support can do all the work for you. As an A&SRC participant, your job is to lean into these fantastic resources and take full advantage of what the residential college offers: a path to academic success through community and engagement.

Service & Volunteerism
We recognize the power of service to others to build character, agency, and purpose. Through service, we not only help those around us in need; we also begin to see our individual and collective capacity to become the changemakers of the world. Therefore, A&SRC uses service activities to help our members develop character and a sense of connection to their RLC, A&SRC, the UTC campus, the Chattanooga community, and beyond.
Throughout the academic year, you will have opportunities to engage in group and individual service projects and activities. To reap the benefits of A&SRC, engage in at least two service activities each semester (four total for the academic year). Service projects and activities will be posted on this website and in MocSync.
Fall 2024 Service Opportunities
- A&SRC Food Drive to Benefit Scrappy's Cupboard: September 11 through 26
Decorate your RLC's Collection box, donate and collect non-perishable food items, monitor collection boxes, and help sort donated items at the end of the drive. Volunteers are needed from each RLC.
- United Way Day of Caring: Friday, September 20
Activities include:
- UTC Campus Beautification
- Normal Park Trail Cleanup
- CHATT Foundation 700-Block Cleanup
- Habitat ReStore Cleaning and Sorting
- YMCA Meal Prep
- Red Bank Middle School Painting and Lawn Care
- IRONMAN Chattanooga Volunteer Team: Sunday, September 29
Staff Run Aid Station 1 to support the athletes competing. Volunteers will hand out water and food to athletes as they pass through the aid station.
- Tennessee River Rescue: Saturday, October 5
Tennesee Riverpark Cleanup project.
More information at their website: https://tennesseeriverrescue.org/
- A&SRC Dinner Service @ CHATT Foundation: Thursday, October 17
Help serve dinner to Chattanooga's homeless. 3:00-4:30 PM, CHATT Foundation, 727 East 11th Street (8 volunteer spots).
Sign Up to volunteer here: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/10309089
- Gratefull: Thursday, November 21--EVENT IS FULL!
Help coordinate a Thanksgiving meal service for the community.
Sign up to volunteer here: https://www.ihelpchattanooga.org/need/detail/?need_id=976954
Thank you for your interest! The volunteer spots for this event have been filled.
- A&SRC Dinner Service @ CHATT Foundation 2: Thursday, November 21
Help serve dinner to Chattanooga's homeless. 3:00-4:30 PM, CHATT Foundation, 727 East 11th Street (8 volunteer spots).
Sign Up to volunteer here: https://mocsyncorgs.utc.edu/event/10671378
- Individual Service Opportunities
Access the following links to find individual service opportunities. When planning individual service activities, try to engage in six hours of individual service per semester.

How Does A&SRC Membership Work?
Membership in our RLCs is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
Admission to UTC is the first step. Be sure to declare a major in the College of Arts and Sciences or apply with "undecided" status. A&SRC's RLCs are populated by students majoring within the College of Arts and Sciences and undecided students who want to explore our majors.
Access the UTC Application Portal.
As part of this application process, you will declare your intended major (or undecided), provide your highest ACT/SAT Math score, list any college credits you expect to have earned when you enroll at UTC, and select the RLC that interests you. Then, accept and sign our A&SRC Participant Guidelines and Expectations Acknowledgment. Our team will review your application materials and contact you to provide application status updates.
- Access the Arts & Sciences Residential College Application on the UTC Application Portal.
- Select the Sign In Button and use your UTC credentials to log in.
- Select the Arts & Sciences Residential College App and complete the form.
- Accept and sign the A&SRC Participant Guidelines and Expectations Acknowledgment form.
Decosimo Apartments is home to the Arts and Sciences Residential College, and A&SRC members get priority consideration for a housing assignment in that building. Your Campus Housing Application must specify Decosimo to remain eligible to participate in A&SRC's RLCs. In your Housing application, select the RLC to which you were provisionally admitted. When Housing notifies you of your room assignment in your RLC, you must accept the offer within the stipulated deadline and submit your $400.00 Housing pre-payment (a deposit to guarantee your housing). Once you have done this, your A&SRC membership will be confirmed. Please note that you must submit your Housing deposit before your membership is considered finalized.
Our Housing staff will place you in suites explicitly reserved for each of our RLCs, and our academic staff will enroll you in courses to create your academic cohort. Our faculty and staff coordinators and their programming assistants will plan and lead activities to keep you engaged and help you learn and develop new skills, build relationships, and maximize your college experience.
Whether you choose AdvanceU, CAS Explorers, Content Creators, Life Out Loud, MEDIC, Mocs in STEM, Music Row, POLIS, Sustainable Mocs, or the Writers' Collective, as an A&SRC member, you will be poised to realize your academic and professional aspirations. Once you become a member, our faculty and support staff will go to work to plug you into all the unique A&SRC benefits and resources.
Explore our communities!

Political Science and Public Service (PSPS)
The POLIS residential learning community will engage incoming Political Science majors with the local history and politics of the Chattanooga area, transforming college students into active citizens with a stake in their communities and the region.
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

CAS Explorers
College of Arts and Sciences
CAS Explorers residential learning community welcomes undeclared students interested in exploring one of these College of Arts and Sciences programs: Anthropology, Art, Biology, Chemistry, Communication, Criminal Justice, Environmental Science, English, Geology, History, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Service, Religion, Sociology, and Theatre. Students in CAS Explorers will interact with faculty and current students to identify exciting career options and find their path to success within the College.
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

College of Arts and Sciences
The AdvanceU residential learning community is for students interested in developing their leadership skills through community service activities.
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

Life Out Loud - Languages and Cultures
Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures (MCLL)
Life Out Loud is a Humanities‐inspired community for students passionate about the study of foreign languages (Spanish, French, Latin, and others) and cultures, especially those majoring or minoring Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures.
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

Sustainable Mocs
Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science
The Sustainable Mocs residential learning community will introduce students to the interdisciplinary nature of Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science as each discipline interacts with issues related to sustainability.
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

Music Row
Music Row is the residential learning community for first-year, second-year, and transfer students who love music.
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

Content Creators
Content Creators is the new residential learning community for students interested in creating content to share with others, such as taking photos, making videos, writing, creating podcasts, and more!
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

Mocs in STEM
Mathematics and Chemistry and Physics
Mocs in STEM is the residential learning community for students interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields and those who love working with data.
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science and Chemistry and Physics
MEDIC (Medical Dental Interests Company) is the residential learning community for first-year, second-year, and transfer students on the pre-professional health tracks.
- Location: Decosimo Apartments

The Writers' Collective
The Writers Collective is a new residential learning community for students with a passion for creative writing!
- Location: Decosimo Apartments
Upcoming Events