IACUC Application Process
Protocol Submission
The Federal Animal Welfare Act (P.L. 89-544) and amendments, the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources (ILAR) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching, and the PHSPolicy on the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals shall be used as basis for review of protocols.
- The principal investigator conducting research or teaching involving live animals shall submit an electronic protocol to the Director of Research Integrity at [email protected] for the use of live animals. Animals may not be procured until the protocol has been approved by the IACUC. Research involving animals may not begin until the PI is notified in writing that the protocol has been approved. Only those persons listed on the protocol are authorized access to the animal facilities. Additions or substitutions to this list require a protocol amendment.
It is imperative that you discuss plans to utilize vertebrate animals in research with the IACUC prior to initiating your research. This includes populations housed at the university or living in the field. Research may only be deemed exempt from IACUC review by the IACUC chairperson.
- The Office of Research Integrity accepts the protocol, logs the protocol into the IACUC database, and reviews the protocol for clarity and completeness. If the protocol is incomplete, the Office of Research Integrity notifies the principal investigator and immediately returns the protocol with a listing of information or sections needed.
- If the application is complete and clear, the Office of Research Integrity forwards the application to the IACUC Chair for review. At this point, the IACUC Committee Chair will review the protocol and communicate with the principal investigator and attempt to clarify any questions and resolve any minor problems. When those issues are addressed, the Chair will forward electronic copies of the application to the IACUC Committee for review at the next IACUC meeting. IACUC meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month. Applications and/or revisions must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled meeting to be considered that month.
- During the IACUC meeting, the proposals are discussed and concerns are noted. If there are lingering concerns, the PI will be contacted and notified of the required revisions. Approval of protocols may be granted only after review at a convened meeting of a quorum of the IACUC and the approval vote of a simple majority of the quorum present. Protocols are approved for a maximum of three years. After three years, the PI will rewrite and resubmit the protocol for review.
- Revisions must be submitted to the Director of Research Integrity at [email protected]. who will then forward the revisions to the IACUC Chair.
- Revisions consisting of minor changes may be approved by the IACUC Chair or designate.
- Significant revisions will require a full review by the IACUC Committee.
Procedures for the Annual Review of Protocols
- Approved protocols must be reviewed at least annually. It is the responsibility of the principal investigator to submit an Annual Review form to the IACUC (through the Director of Research Integrity at [email protected]) before the anniversary date of the approved protocol. However, the office of the Director of Research Integrity shall make every effort to send reminders 30 days prior to the anniversary date. The annual review form must be completed and submitted to the IACUC Committee before the first day of the anniversary month.
- The annual reviews will be approved by the Chair on behalf of the Committee and will be listed on the agenda and minutes of the next monthly meeting.