BAS-AL Course Descriptions
Core Coursework
LEAP 3010 - Practice of Applied Leadership
(3) Credit Hours
This course presents a broad study of applied leadership and its practical approaches in organizations. This course will include an examination of various approaches to leadership, analysis of leadership as a process, and the applicability of these approaches in the workplace. This course will emphasize real-world applications of leadership. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 3020 - Adopting Innovation and Change
(3) Credit Hours
This course examines a proven process of innovation, change management, and change leadership. The course identifies the role an individual in a leadership role plays in promoting a culture of innovation. The intent of this course is to introduce students to the structure of change, models and assumptions about leading change, and the implications for organizations going through change. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 3030 - Leadership and Diverse Multicultural Organizations
(3) Credit Hours
This course will focus on developing an understanding of how to motivate and lead individuals, improve organizational performance, and succeed in a diverse and multicultural organization. The emphasis will be on identifying various effective strategies for fostering and nurturing diversity and inclusion best practices. The focus will be on the application of cultural competence and diversity solutions to meet group and organizational goals. Students will apply various effective strategies for fostering and nurturing diversity best practices in the workplace.
LEAP 3040 - Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
(3) Credit Hours
This course will explore the essentials of emotional intelligence as they relate to narrative nature of human beings and the practical effects of this understanding for effective leadership. Through thoughtful self-assessment and self-reflection, students will identify their strengths as well as their opportunities for personal growth and expanded emotional intelligence. The focus will be the application of emotional intelligence essentials to workplace situations impacting the leadership process. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 4010 - Decision-Making in Practice
(3) Credit Hours
This course explores both objective and subjective decision-making models. The role of the person responsible for the leadership process. This course is designed to provide students with a broad-based, multi-disciplinary knowledge of decision-making that informs good decision-making from a cognitive, ethical, and strategic perspective. Students will be expected to apply and report on the implications of decision-making processes in various organizations. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 4020 - Ethics and Leadership Practice
(3) Credit Hours
An examination of ethical challenges faced by those in leadership positions with an emphasis on building ethical competency through self-assessment, challenge, and feedback. Topics include virtue ethics, moral and ethical leadership theories, ethical reasoning, decision-making, and influence, as well as ethical diversity and ethical crisis leadership. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 4030 - Influence and Practice
(3) Credit Hours
The intent of this course is to introduce students to the interconnectivity of the leadership process, the learning process, and how influence impacts practice and the workplace. This course will pull together concepts from leadership, emotional intelligence, and introduce concepts on the learning process. Students will have the opportunity to examine different organizations and apply the concepts to their practice. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 4040 - Outcomes Measurement for Decision-Making
(3) Credit Hours
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of outcomes measurement, emphasizing their application to a wide variety of real-world situations. In this course, students will explore and develop analytical skills for making data-informed decisions considering financial and risk analysis outcomes. This course is designed to help the student develop data-informed analysis skills in professional practice contexts. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 4050 - Global Perspectives of Leadership
(3) Credit Hours
This course provides a comprehensive examination of the social and cultural factors that underlie expectations, preferences, and effectiveness of leadership practices and styles in organizations and work groups in the major cultural regions of the world. The course will focus on the development of the students’ ability to think critically about the complexity of the direct, indirect, and interactive impact of these factors on leadership within multinational organizations that operate worldwide.
LEAP 4900 - Capstone Application Seminar
(3) Credit Hours
This course examines contemporary leadership concepts in relation to the individual, the workplace, the community and the world. The course links concepts to practical applications of leading teams and organizations. A project will be used to demonstrate application and articulation of key concepts. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 3800 - Introduction to Prior Learning Assessment
(1) Credit Hour
This course demonstrates how to earn college credit for experiential learning that can be documented. In this course, students discover how learning gained from work and life experiences could potentially be transitioned to earn college credit. The course covers the background of Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), learning styles, PLA options, and factors leading to program success. Students analyze their own background and experiences to determine whether pursuing the PLA option might fit their goals. Successfully completing this course will allow students to have a better idea of the process and next steps to take and the ways PLA can expedite their degree. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 3810 - Introduction to Prior Learning Portfolio Development
(2) Credit Hours
This course is built upon the knowledge and reflection gained in LEAP 3800, Introduction to Prior Learning Assessment. In this course, students will identify prior learning experiences that best match their selected knowledge base. Students will plan each segment of their portfolio and will use learning outcomes to create a detailed outline. This outline will delineate topics for development based upon the knowledge, theoretical understanding, and applied learning gained from work, community, and personal experiences. As a result of this course, students will be prepared to complete their digital portfolio. Pre-requisite: LEAP 3800. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 4991R - Current Topics
(1-6) Credit Hours
Current topic seminars in the area of applied leadership. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 4997R - Research
(1-9) Credit Hours
Enables students to conduct independent research. Credit hours allowed toward the degree may be limited. Individual studies contract required at the time of registration. Prerequisites: Department head approval. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.
LEAP 4998R - Individual Studies
(1-9) Credit Hours
Student must submit an Individual Studies/Research Contract to the Registrar’s Office at the time of registration. Prerequisites: Department head approval. Department may have additional prerequisite requirement. Only open to BAS Applied Leadership majors.