Graduate School Forms
Forms for academic program and graduation
- Program of Study
Documents the courses the student is required to take for completion of the degree. Instructions for completing the Program of Study can be found here. Submit by the end of the first semester for all programs except the PhD and EdD (end of second semester).
An additional page for continuing the listing of courses required as part of a program of study or candidacy form.
- Graduation Audit for Degrees and Certificates Form
Used to perform audits for graduation. Any changes in the Program of Study coursework are documented on this form. Candidates for certificates also use this form to document their coursework. Submit the semester prior to anticipated graduation. Please review the graduation participation guidelines.
An additional page for continuing the listing of courses required as part of a program of study or candidacy form.
- Graduate Degree Examination Results
Used to record the results of comprehensive, preliminary and final defense examinations. Submit within 7 days after the exam is given.
- Thesis/Dissertation Committee Appointment
Indicates the individuals that will serve on a studentâs degree advisory committee. Check with your graduate program coordinator to determine if this form is required. Required of all students doing a thesis or dissertation project. Submit by the end of the first semester of attendance (if applicable to the degree)
Theses and Dissertation Standards, PowerPoint Workshop.
- Student Verification Form
This form must be submitted along with the Graduate Degree Examination form and the thesis or dissertation before format review will occur.
- Graduate Student Petition
Routinely used to request extensions for submitting required forms or other petitionable issues, e.g., readmission.
- Degree Objective Change Form
To change degree program concentrations. (Students changing actual degree programs must submit a new graduate school admissions application to the new program)