MocsPrint FAQ

- Help! Where can I get help with MocsPrint Mobile?
If you need assistance with MocsPrint, please contact UTC Solutions Center at 423-425-4000 and talk to a support representative. Alternatively, you can go to and create a ticket requesting assistance. You can also call a representative on the Canon staff at 423-425-2214 or email [email protected].
- I swiped my Mocs Card, paid for my print job, but didn't receive it.
If there was a problem with your print job, and you didn't receive it after swiping your card and paying for it, you can request a refund. Please click here for refund form: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Email the completed form to [email protected]
- Can I print anything and everything with MocsPrint Mobile?
No. MocsPrint Mobile is designed to make printing faster and more convenient. To do that, some printing flexibility had to be sacrificed. MocsPrint Mobile supports most document and image formats, we can guarantee support for the file types listed here: DOC, DOCX (MS Word) GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF (Images) HTM, HTML (Web pages) PDF (Adobe PDF) PPT, PPTX (MS PowerPoint) RTF, TXT (Text files) XLS, XLSX (MS Excel). Your file must be letter size (8.5x11). If it is not, your file will not print and will cause an error. If the file you would like to print is not one of the supported types, the recommended solution is to save/export/print it as a PDF. Most major programs allow you to save or export to a PDF file. If you need to print a web page, please save it to the desktop before printing.
- My job didn’t print, and the printer says it doesn’t have paper; but it clearly has paper.
Do not leave the device!
NO PAPER ERROR MESSAGE – Means your file size was incorrect. To avoid this, make sure file size is 8.5x11 before sending to the printer.- Tap back in on the printer if logged out. (Student or Staff card)
- Click on Status Monitor/Cancel – Bottom left corner of screen
- Click on job that shows the error
- Click Details – Bottom left of the screen
- Click Resume – Bottom left of the screen
- QUICKLY choose either drawer 1 or 2, then click okay. It only gives you 2 seconds to choose, or it will start over.
Then your print job should start printing.
Call 423-425-2214 if job is not releasing.
- Printer is out of paper?
Find an admin or staff member near the device you are printing at and let them know the device needs paper.