InfoSec Center Events
Recent Events
► 03/09/2023 Dr. Mengjun Xie introduced UTC CAE to the NCAE community at the CAE-CD Community of Practice (CoP) - Meet Your Fellow CAEs, March 2023 session.
► 02/24/2023 PhD candidate David Schwab successfully made his dissertation defense. His dissertation title is "An Evaluation of the Robustness of the Natural-Adversarial Mutual Information-Based Defense and Malware Classification against Adversarial Attacks for Deep Learning." David, Congratulations!
► 02/11/2023 UTC CCDC team participated in the 2023 Southeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (SECCDC) virtual qualifier. The team consists of Kyle Pifer (Captain), Preston Crawford, Noah Dillon, Zachary Bianucci, and Danae Wnuk. Special thanks to Mr. Alex McCormack for serving as the judge.
► 01/01/2023 DoD Cyber Scholarship application. See here. Please Contact Dr. Mengjun Xie and Dr. Hong Qin for application details.
► 11/17/2022 Dr. Mengjun Xie gave a research talk entitled "Scalable Remote Live Forensics for Android" at the November CAE Tech Talk session.
► 11/05/2022 UTC MocSec team participated in the 2022 CyberForce Competition. The team consists of Alex McCormack (Captain), Preston Crawford, Noah Dillon, and Kyle Pifer. Overall team ranking: 36.
► 11/01/2022 Ph.D. in Computer Science and want to know more about it. Please check the following free webinar:
Members of the CRA-Education committee invite you to a webinar for CS undergraduates titled, "The Ph.D. in CS: Getting There and Being Successful"
Monday, November 1 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET
We will address:
- What is a Ph.D. in CS and why should I consider it?
- How a Ph.D. differs from a Master's degree in CS
- Timelines
- Preparing a strong application
- Making a smooth transition
- The first few years
- The research apprenticeship
- Beyond the Ph.D.
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The webinar will be recorded for distribution via the CONQUER web site for individual viewing and department screenings.
► 03/10/2021-03/11/2021 UTC won 2nd place and a chance to move into the National CCDC via an additional wildcard competition. UTC also won two (out of three) categorical awards: Best in Defense, Best in Service. The UTC CCDC team consists of Alexander Smith, Alex Tetzlaff, Carson Woods (team captain), Chase Carroll, Gabriel Edwards, and Walker Wilson. Special thanks Mr. David Brooks, Mr. Jonathan Bessom, Mr. Roger Justus, and Mr. Hunter Whitlock for serving as the competition judge.
► 02/20/2021 The UTC CCDC team was ranked among Top 8 in the qualifier and invited to participate in the final competition in the Southeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (SECCDC), a high-profile cybersecurity competition. The team consists of Carson Woods (Captain), Walker Wilson, Chase Carroll, Alexander Smith, Alex Tetzlaff, and Gabriel Edwards. Special thanks to Mr. Brandon Hough for serving as the judge.
Past Events
2019 spring. UTC team made into in SECCDC final.
MocSec members are: Dylan Brownell, Brandon Hough, Jakob Bekelhimer, Walker Wilson, Hector Suarez, Steven Hullander, Connor Woods and Carson Woods.
See news report at
ISSA Conference, October 2018
Dr. Li Yang serve on Panel of Women in Cyber Security in April 2014.
Summer faculty workshop on “Teaching Cryptography through Hand-on Learning and Case Studies” in summer of 2014 in Southern Illinois University.
Summer faculty workshop on Mobile Security in summer 2014 in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Summer faculty workshop on Browser Security in summer 2015 in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Summer faculty workshop on “Teaching Cryptography through Hand-on Learning and Case Studies” in summer of 2011 in Chattanooga, TN. The workshop was sponsored by a collaborative NSF project on “Teaching Cryptography through Hand-on Learning and Case Studies” with Southern Polytechnic State University and Tuskegee University (HBCU) from 2010-2014 (DUE #0942581). Developed curriculum and teaching materials are directly shared among collaborative institutions. We had 19 participants from 13 different institutions such as Garrett College (2-year), University of Maryland University College (4-year).
Summer faculty workshop on Cryptography in Tuskegee University in summer of 2012. We had 22 participants from 10 different institutions including both two-year (Ivy Tech Community College and Fountainhead College of Technology), HBCU (Morehouse College), and four-year institutions (Auburn University and University of Georgia). Hands-on labs and case studies on cryptography were shared and distributed during the workshop.
Summer faculty workshop on “Teaching Information Assurance through Case Studies and Hands-on Experiences” in summer of 2012. The workshop was sponsored by a collaborative NSF project on “Developing Faculty Expertise in Information Assurance through Case Studies and Hands-on Experiences” with collaboration from North Carolina A&T (HBCU) and University of North Carolina at Charlotte from 2011-2014 (DUE #1129444). Developed curriculum and teaching materials are directly shared among collaborative institutions. We have 18 participants from 18 different institutions including HBCUs (University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Tuskegee University, Prairie View A&M University, Hampton University) and HIS (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico).
Summer faculty workshop on hands-on security at the North Carolina A&T University in the summer of 2013 with 18 participants from 18 different institutions. Hands-on labs and case studies in areas of Security Management, Network Security, Attack/Defense and Security Architecture and Systems, Web Security, Secure Software Engineering, Cryptography, Access Control, Security Ethics, and Digital Forensics are shared with participating institutions.