A National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense

UTC InfoSec Center: A National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD)
We welcome you to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) Information Security (InfoSec) Center located within the College of Engineering and Computer Science, and in collaboration with the College of Business, College of Art and Science, and College of Health, Education and Professional Studies. As a multidisciplinary center, the UTC InfoSec Center was designated by NSA and DHS as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education (CAE-IAE) for academic years 2008-2013, and it was re-designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance/Cybersecurity Education (later renamed as Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, i.e., CAE-CD) for academic years 2014-2021 and as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) through the academic year 2028.
The mission of the Center is to serve as a regional model for promoting excellence in cybersecurity education, assisting businesses, government agencies, education institutions and industries in their cybersecurity needs, and serving as the first point of call for cybersecurity emergency.
The Center strives to:
- Prepare students to meet the challenges posted by the rapid developments in information technologies and the corresponding emergence of new threats and attacks on the critical information infrastructure upon which our society has come to depend;
- Provide working professionals with up-to-date cybersecurity skills and best practices needed to meet the workplace challenges resulting from current advances in computing technologies;
- Promote excellence in cybersecurity research by keeping abreast of developments in emerging areas;
- Serve the University and the surrounding communities with leadership and distinction.
To this end, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers courses, as well as, concentrations in Cybersecurity at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Contact Us
For any questions/inquiries regarding the CAE-CD, please contact
Dr. Mengjun Xie
UTC CAE Point of Contact (POC)
Director, UTC InfoSec Center
UC Foundation Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Email: [email protected]
Office: 315A ECS