Adaptive Tai Chi Chuan for Veterans
Free Adaptive Tai Chi Class for Veterans
Non-wheelchair and wheelchair users
Family members also welcome
Classes are conducted virtually through Zoom by Beth Herring, in collaboration with the University of Tennessee Chattanooga. There is no cost to participate in this class.
When: First three Wednesdays of the month, April-September 2021 at 6:00-7:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Where: In the comfort of your home, virtually, through Zoom
How to Enroll
Please contact:
Beth Herring
[email protected]
This program is a newly developed form of adaptive sports. Developed by Dr. Zibin Guo, this form of wheelchair Tai Chi Chuan integrates wheelchair motion (the rolling and turning of the chair) with the dynamic, gentle and flowing Tai Chi Chuan movements making it an ideal form of mind & body fitness program.
Free Adaptive Tai Chi Class for Veterans
Non-wheelchair and wheelchair users
Family members also welcome
Classes are conducted virtually through Zoom by Karen Wilson, in collaboration with the University of Tennessee Chattanooga. There is no cost to participate in this class.
When: First three Wednesdays of the month, April-September 2021 at 10:00-11:00 a.m. Eastern Time
Where: In the comfort of your home, virtually, through Zoom
How to Enroll:
Please contact:
Karen Wilson
[email protected]
This program is a newly developed form of adaptive sports. Developed by Dr. Zibin Guo, this form of wheelchair Tai Chi Chuan integrates wheelchair motion (the rolling and turning of the chair) with the dynamic, gentle and flowing Tai Chi Chuan movements making it an ideal form of mind & body fitness program.
Training for Veterans
Wheelchair/Adaptive Tai Chi classes for veterans with ambulatory disability and PTSD will continue at the VA campus of Murfreesboro and UTC campus in Chattanooga, TN. Classes will be held once weekly at each respective site throughout the year. The target is to train 120 veterans in Murfreesboro and Chattanooga during 2020-2021.
Over 300 disabled veterans and their family members have participated in the weekly CC classes in Murfreesboro and Chattanooga.

Impact on Veterans

A retired Army Command Sergeant Major with three campaigns in Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Freedom, said, “Since I began Tai Chi, I’ve learned to relax and reduce stress. I’ve noticed my legs are much stronger and I have very little back trouble.”
Ms. Martha Baskin who suffered a stroke 8 years ago said, “I can move my arms, I can raise my hands to my mouth, I can move my legs, I can go up steps that I haven't done it in five years."