Prospective Mathematics Students
Welcome to the Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at UTC is committed to educational excellence at both the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. Students who study here are exposed to both fundamental and emerging topics across the field of mathematics. Undergraduate students can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Mathematics in one of 3 concentrations. The department also offers a Mathematics Minor.
Graduate students can choose to pursue a Master of Science degree in one of four concentrations, a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Computation and Applied Statistics or a Doctor of Philosophy in Computational Science with a concentration in Computational and Applied Mathematics.
In addition to its own degree programs, the Department provides extensive support for other programs requiring mathematics courses such as Engineering, Business, the School of Education, and the natural sciences. The Department provides a wide variety of courses for the University’s General Education program and offers students the opportunity to minor in mathematics.
Undergraduate Studies
The Department of Mathematics offers a B.S. in Mathematics, designed to examine the growing influence of mathematics in business and industrial practices. The student must select a concentration in one of the following three areas: actuarial science, general mathematics, or STEM Education for students who plan to teach at the secondary school level.
Graduate Studies
The Department of Mathematics at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga offers a Master of Science degree in mathematics with concentrations in applied mathematics, applied statistics, pre-professional mathematics, and education. This program is designed to provide individuals with an in-depth understanding in their chosen area, further preparing them for work in industry, government, and education, or for further graduate studies. Completion of the program requires thirty-six (36) semester credit hours, which includes an area of application or an internship. There is also an option of composing a final thesis. Students must maintain a minimum institutional cumulative GPA of 3.0, and are subject to all regulations of the UTC Graduate School.
The Department of Mathematics offers a selective and focused program of study leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Computational Science with concentration in Computational and Applied Mathematics. The doctoral concentration is integrated with the SimCenter, a research center that serves as a hub in modeling, simulation, and high-performance computing.