Renting the FAC
Procedure for Booking the Fine Arts Center
UTCFA gives preference to the Fine Arts Center’s departments, the UTC campus, and then the community.
- Email Bob Boyer for rental availability: [email protected]
- Request an Application for your event.
- Return Application with ticket information, insurance certificate, and tax exemption certificate, if applicable.
- You will be asked to sign the rental agreement once your application passes UTC's approval process.
- A deposit may be required before the final process.
- We ask that you don't advertise this location until after the approval process is complete.
- Meet with the Technical coordinator of the facility and the Box Office Manager regarding details and requirements of your event.
- Finalize all technical needs with the technical coordinator at least two weeks prior to your event.
The process requires at least a month's notice for all non-campus activity. You may hold no more than two (2) activities per calendar year. Rates for the concert hall are as follows and are subject to change.