Modification to Campus Operations for 2/19/2025

UTC-ALERT: Due to anticipated hazardous weather, campus operations will be modified for 2/19/2025. See UTC email or utc.edu/alert for details.

Tue, Feb 18 2025

Past Events

Getting Bed Bugs: Spatializing Invasion's Rhetorical Ecology

Research talk with Dr. Donnie Johnson Sackey, a leading voice on the dynamics of environmental public policy deliberation, environmental justice, and environmental community-based participatory research.


When: Thurs., September 28th, 2024, 4:30 - 5:00 PM

Where: Roth Reading Room

Chattanooga's Sustainability

Chattanooga's Sustainability Transition: Community Engagement and Memory Preservation

Public lecture by Dr. Bernard Kitheka of Missouri State University. Dr. Kitheka has published numerous articles on Chattanooga's environmental transformation highlighting the roles of community engagement and tourism. In this talk, he explored how urban revitalization can be part of developing sustainable and "durable" systems, and the roles collective memory and story re-telling play in this process.


When: Thurs., February 24, 2022, 5:30 p.m.

Where: Lupton 393


Strategies and Solutions for a Sustainable and Just Chattanooga


When: Tues., May 3, 2022, 11 a.m. – Noon

Chattanooga Room University Center

EVST Social

Environmental Studies Social

Learned about the new interdisciplinary minor in Environmental Studies at UTC and connected with faculty and students who are passionate about environmental issues

When: Wed. Sept. 28, 2022, Noon to 2 p.m.

Where: Lupton Hall Common Area (1st floor)


Environmental Justice

The College of Arts and Sciences Environmental Studies Program Presented an Interdisciplinary Panel on Environmental Justice. UTC professors discussed how their different disciplines address the struggle for environmental justice, with presentations by

When: Wed., Nov. 9, 2022, Noon to 1:30 p.m.

Where: UC Chattanooga Room AB


Deep Time, Climate Change, and Mass Extinction

Lecture and Q&A with Dr. Dan Spencer, professor emeritus and former director of the University of Montana Environment Studies program. He is the author of Gay and Gaia: Ethics, Ecology and the Erotic and co-author of Earth Ethics: A Case Study Approach. In his talk, Dr. Spencer explored how the geological discovery of "deep time" has revealed the Earth's history of climate change and how it relates to periods of mass extinctions of Earth's forms of life. This history helps us understand the dynamics of species extinction and climate change today, and suggest ways to avoid catastrophic environmental change in the future.


When: Mon., Jan. 23, 2023, 5 p.m.

Where: UC Racoon Mountain Room

EVST Food Systems

Food Systems

UTC professors discuss how their different disciplines explore the dynamic connections between food, health, culture, and the environment.

When: Wednesday, 2/15/23, 12:00 - 1:30 pm

Where: UC Chattanooga Room AB

Transitional Research Poster Image

Translational Research

Faculty from the Biology, Geology and Environmental Science department at UTC described how their research advances scientific knowledge with applications that benefit society.

When: Wednesday, 4/12/2023, 2:30 - 4 pm

Where: UC Raccoon Mountain Room

History of Life on Earth Poster Image

Life on Earth

When: Friday, 4/28/2023, 5:00 pm
Where: Guerry Center Reading Room

When: Saturday, 4/29/2023, 5:30 pm
Guerry Center Reading Room