Closed Class and Override Requests
Dr. Han Park (Chemistry Associate Head) [email protected] deals with closed class, overrides, and scheduling for all Chemistry courses.
Dr. Josh Hamblen (Physics Associate Head) [email protected] deals with closed class, overrides, and scheduling for all PHYS, ASTR, and GNSC courses.
To request an override, please fill out the form below. Before completing this form, check the online catalog course description to be sure you have completed the required prerequisites with the minimum grade, or are enrolled in the correct corequisite. Use only your UTC email in communications with faculty at UTC.
Override form for ASTR, CHEM, GNSC, and PHYS courses
Please allow 48 hours for processing of your request. No Overrides will be given after the end of the first week of classes.
Banner software may cause you to be unable initially to register for classes for which you do have pre-and co-requisites. However, first check the online catalog course description to be sure you do have prerequisites done with the minimum grade or are enrolled in the correct corequisite.
If you are trying to get into a joint lab and lecture, sign up for the lab first or put yourself on the lab waiting list. As places open, folks at the top of a waitlist will receive a message to their UTC email with a time limit to register or lose the spot. Therefore, if on a waitlist you will need to check your email daily if you are expecting a place to open! Also, you should be aware that sometimes spots open up as folks drop classes or are dropped for nonpayment.
*If requesting a General Chemistry class please provide multiple CRN options if possible (i.e., multiple sections that could fit your schedule)
We are limited as to how many people we can accommodate in classes and labs. Unfortunately, because of limited resources, being a student at UTC is no guarantee that you can get the classes that you want. In general, the later you register relative to other students, the less chance that course openings will be available.