Sample Statements
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Proctorio, an online remote proctoring system, will be used in this class on some of your quizzes, tests, or exams. To complete these assignments, you will be required to use the Google Chrome browser and have the Proctorio extension installed. Depending on the configuration your instructor has chosen, your screen, webcam, and microphone may be used to remotely proctor your completion of the test.
Do not call your instructor or UTC for assistance with Proctorio. If you have any issues, please contact Proctorioâs 24/7 Support below:
Phone: (866) 948-9248
Email: [email protected]
Live Chat (if you have the extension installed): Click on the dark gray shield icon in the top right-hand corner of your Chrome browser or on the âLive Chatâ button in the Proctorio window that is open while you are taking your test.
Proctorio is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Chromebooks. Most tablets, like iPads, and smartphone will NOT work.
Proctorio resources online
- General information about Proctorio:
- Proctorio data security:
- Proctorio privacy:
Honor Code Pledge (from the UTC Student Handbook):
As a student of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I pledge that I will not give or receive any unauthorized assistance with academic work or engage in any academic dishonesty in order to gain an academic advantage. I will exert every effort to insure that the Honor Code is upheld by myself and others, affirming my commitment to a campus-wide climate of honesty and integrity.
Online Academic Integrity Pledge
As an online student, I pledge not to engage in plagiarism, unauthorized collusion, deception, or the use of unauthorized resources in my online classes, I pledge that my work will be done independently, unless directed otherwise by my instructor, that my work will be original, and that my work will be my own.
As an online student, I understand that my activities within the online environment are monitored electronically and are subject to investigation should the instructor suspect any dishonest activity. I understand that I have a unique login and password for signing in to my online classes and that I will not share that information with others.
Should I become aware of others engaging in any of these activities, I will report such activities to the instructor of the course either by email or by telephone. Furthermore, I understand that should I violate this honor code for online learning, I may be subject to dismissal from the institution.
Course Delivery Method
[Pick the appropriate course delivery method for your class.]
Face-to-Face â This is a traditional classroom format that will meet at a designated time and location each week. The instructor reserves the right to post and use online materials such as the syllabus, course materials, contact information, and presentations on UTC Learn. Instructors may require online activities and assessments such as completion of online tests.
Blended/Hybrid (30-79% Web) â This format blends traditional classroom format and online learning. Students will meet in class at a designated time and location each week. Students will be required to access online materials and assessments such as the syllabus, course materials, contact information, and presentations on UTC Learn. Instructors may require a mixture of online and in-class activities and assessments.
Internet (80%> Web Based) â This format requires that the entire class be conducted online. All materials for the course including the syllabus, course content, contact information, and presentations will be provided on UTC Learn. Activities and assessments will also be conducted on UTC Learn
Weather Events: If the campus is closed due to inclement weather, the online course will proceed as normal, unless there are extensive power outages.
Academic Integrity
The Honor Code of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is designed to foster and develop a climate of honesty and integrity by giving students a primary responsibility for upholding the standards under the Honor Code. The Honor Code is based upon the assumption that each student recognizes the fundamental importance of honesty. Students are responsible for conducting themselves in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Honor Code, and insuring that other members of the University community uphold the standards as well. Please see the UTC Student Code of Conduct for further information.
Statement on Title IX and Mandatory Reporting
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal funds. Discrimination based on sex includes sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking.
UTC strives to prevent, address, and eliminate this type of misconduct by responding to individual incidents, supporting those who have been harmed, and educating community members on how to create a safe and supportive campus that encourages healthy and respectful relationships.
Faculty members have a responsibility to help create a safe learning environment on our campus. To accomplish this, faculty have a mandatory reporting obligation and are required to share information with the University regarding sexual misconduct, relationship violence and/or stalking that is disclosed to them during the performance of their duties.
Students may speak to someone confidentially by contacting Survivor Advocacy Services (SAS), located in the Center for Women & Gender Equity, at 423-425-5648 (M-F, 8 a.m. â 5 p.m.).
Questions regarding Title IX, complaints of non-compliance, and complaints of sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking may also be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at 423-425-4255 or [email protected].
General Education Statement
(See the General Education Goals and Outcomes webpage for outcomes for specific categories.)
This course is certified as a General Education course fulfilling the [LIST CATEGORY(IES)] general education goal. Please consult with your advisor and check the specific requirements for your major to determine if this course is a good fit for your plan of study. Upon completion of the required credit hours in this category, students will be able to: [LIST OUTCOMES FOR CATEGORY(IES)]
Describe how you will communicate with the students. Also include how quickly you will respond to student questions, etc. You may want to add specifics about what you consider to be a regular basis.
Sample 1:
To enhance student services, the University uses your UTC email address for all communications. Please check your UTC email on a regular basis. If you have problems with accessing your UTC email account, contact the Solutions Center at 423-425-4000.
Sample 2:
Class announcements will be made through UTC Learn and via email. Please check your UTC email and UTC Learn on a regular basis. If you have problems with accessing your UTC email account or UTC Learn, contact the Solutions Center at 423-425-4000.
Office of Student Outreach and Support
The Office of Student Outreach & Support (SOS) advocates and supports students experiencing challenges in their personal and/or academic lives. SOS staff help students navigate University administrative processes; connect with University and community resources; and develop coping, resiliency, and self-advocacy skills. Referrals can be made by students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, students can refer themselves as needed. To make a referral, submit a Community Member of Concern Referral Form at Individuals may also contact SOS by e-mailing [email protected] or calling 423-425-4301.
Additionally, SOS manages Scrappyâs Cupboard, UTCâs food pantry. Scrappyâs Cupboard is free, anonymous, and no questions asked. Students needing support ranging from one meal to a week of supplies should visit Scrappyâs Cupboard. For more information, visit
Plagiarism Detection
Sample 1:
Papers and other written assignments in this class will be submitted to UTC Learn. Assignments will be reviewed using text-matching software to analyze for originality and intellectual integrity. By submitting your paper online, you agree to have your paper included in the institutional repository of digital papers. If the results of the review indicate academic dishonesty, disciplinary action may be taken against the student as outlined in the UTC Student Handbook.
Sample 2:
The instructor of this class reserves the right to submit papers to the UTC Learn text-matching software for review and analysis of originality and intellectual integrity. If the results of the review indicate academic dishonesty, disciplinary action may be taken against the student as outlined in the UTC Student Handbook.
UTC Learn
Sample 1:
Log on to UTC Learn using your utcID and password. Click on the course called XXX. If you need help with UTC Learn, visit the UTC Learn Student Tutorials webpage or contact the Solutions Center at (423)-425-4000.
Sample 2:
Access course materials in UTC Learn. Log in using your utcID and password (the same as for your UTC email). If you need help with UTC Learn, visit the UTC Learn Student Tutorials webpage or contact the Solutions Center at (423)-425-4000.
Computer/Technology Requirements
Sample Student Technology Statement (new for Fall 2020)
The following technology is mandatory for participation in this course:
- Computer with a built-in or external USB webcam, [professor can insert more or edit here]
- Microsoft Office, Chrome/FireFox, Proctorio, [professor can insert more or edit here]
- A reliable internet connection
Technology needs for on-campus course participation are met by way of computer labs located in [insert locations & links here], and short-term equipment circulation provided by the library. Remote course participation requires a home set-up. If you have long-term hardware or software needs for remote course participation, please complete this form in advance of the fall semester or as needs arise.
If a shelter-in-place mandate occurs due to COVID-19, please be aware the university will limit on-campus operating hours. During such time, hardware requests will be mailed out or scheduled for in-person pick-up.
Technology Requirements
- Students are expected to check the course on UTC Learn and their UTC student email account daily.
- Students are expected to have the following computer skills:
- Word processing including formatting word processor documents
- Email including sending, receiving and email attachments
- Internet searches
- UTC library database searches
- Students must keep their anti-virus definitions up to date
- For UTC Learn support, contact the Help Desk at (423)-425-4000.
Hardware/Software Requirements
Participants need access to a personal computer (Mac or Windows) and the Internet for major amounts of time for this course. Test your computer set up and browser for compatibility with UTC Learn by visiting the Student Resources webpage and clicking Browser Check under Technology Resources.
Plug-ins Necessary
You should have an updated version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (for PDF documents). Additional software plug-ins may be needed. Check the Technical Requirements for the UTC Learn system by visiting the Student Resources webpage and clicking Technical Requirements.
Minimum Technology Skills Needed
You are expected to have working knowledge and capability with your computer hardware and a variety of software applications before entering this class. Class participants must know how to use and check their e-mail on a daily basis. You will need to know your UTC ID user name and password to access the UTC Learn online password-protected system. If you do NOT know your UTC ID user name and password, please contact the Solutions Center at (423)-425-4000. You must be able to save word processing files in a .doc/.docx (Microsoft Word), .rtf (Rich Text Format), or .txt (Text) format for sharing files.
Veterans Service Statement:
The office of Veteran Student Services is committed to serving all the needs of our veterans and assisting them during their transition from military life to that of a student. If you are a student veteran or veteran dependent and need any assistance with your transition, please refer to the UTC Green Zone webpage or the Center for Military and Veteran's Affairs. These sites can direct you the necessary resources for academics, educational benefits, adjustment issues, veteran allies, veteran organizations, and all other campus resources serving our veterans. You may also contact the coordinator of Veteran Student Programs and Services directly at 423-425-2277. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.
Equal Opportunity Statement:
Affirmative Action Policy
In accordance with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga affirmatively states that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, or disability in its education programs and activities. Please see the Student Handbook for the complete Affirmative Action Policy.
Active Duty Military
If you are a military student with the potential of being called to military service or training during the course of the semester, you are encouraged to contact your course instructor no later than the first week of class to discuss the class attendance policy. Please see the Center for Military and Veteran's Affairs website for more information.
Religious Accommodations
Students are expected to notify their instructor in advance if they intend to miss class to observe a holy day pertaining to their religious faith. Students may be required to provide verifiable documentation to the faculty either prior to missing or upon their return to class.
Pregnant and Parenting Students
UTC does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy, parenting, or related familial status. Pregnant or parenting students seeking accommodations should contact the Title IX Coordinator immediately.