Medical Billing and Coding

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Healthcare professional wears protective gear and works at a computer.
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Medical billing and coding students in scrubs stand together in front of files.
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Medical billing and coding professional sits at computer displaying spreadsheets.
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Student sits at desk with laptop to learn medical billing and coding online.
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Logo for American Academy of Professional Coders
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Five students wear scrubs and train for a medical career.
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Student sits at computer to earn healthcare certification online.
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Medical billing and coding specialist in scrubs answers phone in a medical office.
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Medical billing and coding specialist stands with healthcare provider looking at a file together.
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Medical billing and coding specialist sits at desk with files and a laptop.
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Medical billing and coding professional sits at computer in an office environment.
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Person in medical career sits at computer in an office working on billing and coding.
Laura Bramell Headshot

"UTC's Medical Billing and Coding Academy requires hard work, but it is worth it. You become certified more quickly."

Laura Bramell

See Laura's Full Success Story →

Alison Sparks

"UTC's course will teach you the skills you need to be a medical coder."

Alison Sparks

See Alison's Full Success Story →


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Instructor Wendy Fowler smiles for photo.

Center for Professional Education

Center for Professional Education

Department Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm