Modification to Campus Operations for 2/19/2025

UTC-ALERT: Due to anticipated hazardous weather, campus operations will be modified for 2/19/2025. See UTC email or utc.edu/alert for details.

Tue, Feb 18 2025

Certified Clinical Medical Assistant

Male edical assistant speaking to doctor

Get Certified and Find Employment Through Our Employer Partners

female nursing student smiling at camera

Launch a Healthcare Career in Less Than Five Months

female nurse taking blood

100% Certification Pass Rate in 2021

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male nurse talking to female doctor
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nurse and doctor at a patient's bedside
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male nurse taking blood pressure of patient
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nurse smiling with doctor in background
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male nurse holding male patient's hand
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group of nurses smiling
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female nurse taking heartbeat of male patient
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female nurse smiling at patient
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female nurse smiling
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female nurse speaking with male doctor
Chris Donahue

"I completed UTC's program, earned my NHA CCMA certification and started working as a Clinical Medical Assistant at CHI Memorial."

Chris Donahue, CCMA

Brooke Millspaugh

"I enrolled in UTC's CMA course so I could gain patient hours for PA school. As a UTC student, it was convenient to have class on campus. I loved the instructor and course environment!"

Brooke Millspaugh, CCMA

Center for Professional Education

Center for Professional Education

Department Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm