Danforth Chapel

Danforth Chapel is a small facility seating 50. Dedicated in 1952, the chapel has doors that face Oak Street, where many a couple have left via horse and carriage. The chapel is connected to Hooper-Race halls with nearby restrooms and snack areas.
Across the hall from the English-style Shakespeare Garden outside Patten Chapel, Danforth is suitable for small events that emphasize intimacy. Parking is available in Lot 26, across Douglas Street near Fletcher Hall. The chapel is all brick with paneled glass windows, and The carpet is red. The chapel also features a small, round window at the top of the chancel. The pews are made of golden-stained oak.
For information on renting either Patten or Danforth chapels, call Sharon Thomas at 423-425-4030 or email [email protected].