Public Performance Rights for Streaming Video
The UTC Library does not purchase public performance rights (PPR) for films used in campus events. However, some of our large streaming providers do include PPR with some or all of their films.
Here are the details for our largest streaming providers:
Alexander Street: All Alexander Street films (except those from Film Platform and National Theatre) include limited public performance rights, defined as classroom and public screenings as long as no admission fee is charged.
Docuseek: Films can be used without additional fees for campus-wide public events as long as no admission fee is charged and advertising for the event is limited to campus and the UTC website. Docuseek distributes films from the following suppliers: Anand Patwardhan, Bullfrog Films, Deckert Distribution, dGenerate Films, Fanlight Films, Film Movement, First Hand Films, Icarus, Kartemquin, KimStim, Media Storm, National Film Board of Canada, Scorpion TV, Terra Nova Films, Women Make Movies
Kanopy: Depends on the film. If a film includes public performance rights, a “PPR” icon will display in the details dropdown below the description on the film’s page indicating that the film can be screened on campus as long as no admission fee is charged. If no PPR icon displays, then there are no public performance rights available.
If you have a question about whether or not a UTC licensed streaming video includes PPR or not, please email [email protected]