Arts and Education Forum
10th Arts and Education Forum SeriesWhat is the Role of the Arts in a Well-Rounded Education?
The Forum Series convenes educators, artists, administrators, and researchers to engage in dialogues about important issues in arts education. Participants work together to bridge research and practice through the development of curriculum, research questions, and collaborative opportunities.
Forum Series Overview
Each forum series will follow a similar schedule that invites active exploration through arts-based strategies, investigation of concept-based arts integration, and discussion of effective practices and emerging trends in teaching and learning through the arts. Sessions are co-designed and co-faciliated by our forum team comprised of Arts-Based Collaborative nationally recognized team of arts education experts and regional teaching artists from each artistic discipline.
The forum team collaborates during the entire series to develop quality professional learning experiences and provide ongoing support for participants. This year's driving question, What is the Role of the Arts in a Well-Rounded Education?, brings us together for a variety of reasons.
Taking this into consideration, program content is shaped by participant responses from their
forum application with final details announced 3-weeks before each event. Our participants help us complete the skeleton below and ensure we share learner-centered experiences. Please download past forum info for sample content and sessions.
If you're ready for a unique professional learning experience where you actively engage through content and ideas, experience and reflect upon artistic processes, nurture teaching and learning and through arts, and build community- then the forum series is perfect for you!
Click Here for the Full Spring 2017 Forum Schedule
Spring 2017 Breakdown Schedule
Thursday, February 23, 2017
6:00pm-7:00pm- Arts-Issues âCreating a Community of Cultural Entrepreneurs" at the Hunter Museum of American Art.
Friday, February 24, 2017
8:30am- Registration (UTC Fine Arts Lobby)
9:00am-10:15am- Welcome & Opening ( Roland Hayes)
10:30-Noon- Concurrent Sessions (Roland Hayes, UTC FAC 339)
Noon-1:30pm- Lunch
1:30pm-3:00pm- Concurrent Session (Roland Hayes, UTC FAC 339)
3:30pm-5:00pm - Stone Soup Playback Troupe (Roland Hayes)
Saturday, February 25th, 2017
9:00am-9:30am- Luna Gale Pre-show talk with Director Gaye Jeffers
9:35am-11:25am- Concurrent Breakout Sessions
11:30am-1:30pm- Lunch
1:30pm- Meet in the Fine Arts Center Lobby
2:00pm-4:30pm UTC Theatre Co Presents Luna Gale
4:30pm- Post-performance talk back
The 10th Annual Arts & Education Forum Series is made possible by the:
The Kim Alan Wheetley Gift Fund. Donate Here.