Mocs Card
Mocs Card ID Office
(new or replacement cards)
262 University Center
Dept 1551
Hours: Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Summer Hours
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Mocs Card Services
206 Administration Building
Dept 3964
Chattanooga, TN 37403
Your Mocs Card is your official UTC ID card
This card can be used for the following purposes:
- Admission to Athletic Events
- Checking out books, laptops, etc. from UTC Library
- Obtaining special rates and privileges at many University functions
- Indication of an individual’s right to use University facilities
- Secure door access validation
- Access to campus shuttle and CARTA city transportation

Your UTC Mobile ID
UTC students, faculty and staff can now add their UTC Mocs Card ID to their iPhone and Android devices. Use your phone, or compatible smart watch, to easily access doors, printing, library services and other places where you would typically use your physical UTC Mocs Card ID. Learn how to set up your mobile card.
Get Started
Instructions for Apple Devices
Instructions for Android Devices
During the transition to this new technology, please retain your physical UTC Mocs Card ID. Once your mobile UTC Mocs Card ID is setup, there will be an initial delay in door and copy machine access.
Still have questions? Contact the Mocs Card office at 423-425-2218 or email [email protected].
Mocs Card can be used as a debit card at the following locations:
- Food Services including University Center Food Court, Campus Crossroads, West Campus Housing, UC POD Market, South Campus Subway/POD Market, Lupton Hall, Starbucks
- Off Campus Merchants
- GRUBHUB Mobile Ordering
- Graphic Services/ Mailroom
- University Health Services
- Bookstore
- All copy and select vending machine locations
- Parking Services
- Mocs Print Stations
- Lost/Stolen/Damaged Mocs Card
- A student’s initial Mocs Card is intended to last throughout a student’s entire stay at UTC. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to the Mocs Card office to be placed on hold. UTC is not liable for any loss of funds due to misuse or theft of a student’s Mocs Card. Replacement cards (lost, broken, damaged, or decoded) are made at the Mocs Card office for a cost of $30.00 to be paid at the Bursar’s office. Once a replacement card is made, previous cards cannot be re-activated under any circumstances. No fee is charged for the initial card or for the initial use of the debit card system. Replacement of a card due to a change in cardholder status or name is free; however, the old card must be presented in exchange. The filing of a police report does not waive the replacement fee of a stolen card.
- How to Protect Your Mocs Card
- (Decoded or damaged Mocs Cards may be rejected by the card readers.) Do not bend, fold, or expose your card to excessive hot or cold temperatures, washing, or other damaging elements. Do not pass your card through other systems (ex. Automated bank tellers), as decoding may occur. Do not leave your card on or near a TV, stereo, cell phone, microwave oven, or other electromagnetic equipment. Some pocketbooks contain magnetic tab locks. Do not punch holes in your card. This may make it unusable in any reader
- Unauthorized Use of a Mocs Card
- The Mocs Card is the property of The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and is non-transferable. Unauthorized use or use by a party other than the person identified on the Mocs Card, as well as tampering with or alteration of the card, warrants confiscation and possible disciplinary action by the University
- Secure Your Mocs Card
- Your Mocs Card may not be held by a university department for any reason. Your card is very important and should be in your possession at all times. Each Mocs Card contains an RFID chip embedded in the card which stores each person’s individual card number. As additional card readers and door accessibility programs are implemented throughout campus, it will become even more imperative that you take measures to secure your card and report the card lost or stolen. Please contact the Mocs Card Office at 423.425.5819, with any questions or concerns.
- Insufficient Funds
- Mocs Card transactions will be verified prior to the completion of all transactions. In the rare event a transaction cannot be verified due to a systems problem and a purchase occurs with insufficient funds, the owed funds will be charged to the cardholder’s financial account.
- University Center, Rm. 262
- Dept 1551
- 615 McCallie Ave
UTC Department Phone
UTC Department Fax number