MCLL Frequently Asked Questions
NOTE: This information does not constitute official advisement. Consult your academic adviser to determine the course requirements for your major and degree.

Which foreign languages can I study at UTC?
French, German*, Latin, and Spanish.
*German offerings are minimal and sporadic because we have no permanent instructors on the faculty.
How can I fulfill my foreign language requirement?
It depends on what your major requires.
- B.A. degrees require four semesters of a foreign language;
- Some B.S. degrees require two semesters of a foreign language while some degrees require none.
Do I really need to take a Placement Test?
You really should. Here's why:
If you studied a language for 3 years or more, you can probably test out of the language requirement, thus skipping up to four semesters of language courses; If you studied a language for 1 - 2 years, you may be able to skip the Elementary courses and advance to the Intermediate level; If you are a native/heritage speaker of another language, you will likely score at advanced levels but the Placement Test helps determine your grammar proficiency. Placement testing is available online and in the Language Lab in 101 Brock Hall. More information is available here.
How many credits do I get for testing out of a language?
None, but...
If you "test out" of a language (meaning you have tested beyond the Intermediate level), you do not receive credit hours for the courses you bypassed; however, your academic records will show that you have met the foreign language requirement.
What if I am already fluent in another language?
You can meet your language requirement by showing proof of fluency.
If you are proficient or fluent in another language, contact the Department Head to discuss your options. You will likely need to take a written exam to document your fluency. There is a fee for these exams since they are produced by an outside language testing service, but once you complete the exam and receive documentation of your scores, the Languages Department can notify the Registrar that you are eligible for exemption from your major's language requirement.
Where and when is the Placement Test offered?
You can take it any time, no appointment necessary, in the Language Lab located in Brock 101. Click here for details about the Placement Test.
- The test is a multiple choice format taken online;
- The test takes about 15-30 minutes;
- There is no speaking required;
- There is no cost to take the test;
- You get your results immediately after the test;
- You may take the test once per language;
- You do not receive credit hours for the test.
If I am fulfilling my language requirement with Spanish, which intermediate course(s) should I take?
It depends on your major/minor:
If you only need to fulfill your language requirement, take INTERMEDIATE FOR READING (SPAN 2130 then SPAN 2140). If you are a Spanish major or minor, take INTERMEDIATE FOR CONVERSATION (SPAN 2110 then SPAN 2120).
Can I earn credits for studying abroad?
Quite possibly, yes!
If you studied a foreign language during an officially recognized study abroad program, bring your transcripts to the department head for review. Are you a Spanish major or minor who wants to study abroad in Spain? Contact Dr. Lynn Purkey for more information. A French major or minor? Contact Dr. Karen Casebier for more information.