Integrated Studies Capstone Course (INTS 4900)
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Integrated Studies Senior Experience
You are required to take one capstone senior experience for your Integrated Studies major. For elective INTS credit, you may do more than one. Here is some information about the options.
- INTS 4900-Integrated Studies
- INTS 4900 is a senior-level capstone course in which students will reflect on their learning. Students should enroll in INTS 4900 in one of the last two semesters before graduation. It is only offered in the fall and spring semesters.
- INTS 4900 is an online course. In this course, you will develop an electronic portfolio using Portfolium, which is provided for free through Canvas. In your portfolio, you will be required to reflect on your learning and demonstrate the integration of your coursework.
- Remember to save your papers, exams, presentation, group projects, digital media (video and audio), creative artwork, internship reflections, syllabi, and other course materials in your portfolio!
- Catalog Description
- INTS 4900 - Integrated Studies Senior Portfolio (3) Credit Hours. Senior capstone course for Integrated Studies majors. Integration of knowledge and concepts of two or more disciplines, demonstrated through an electronic portfolio of student work. On demand. Prerequisite: senior standing, final semester.
- INTS 4810 - Integrated Studies Internship
- INTS 4810 is an internship; you secure work experience in a professional situation that corresponds to your areas of study and your future goals. You may do up to six credit hours of INTS 4810, but only up to 3 in any one semester. For 3 credit hours, you must log 126 hours (in a full-term fall or spring semester this is about 9 hours a week). You keep a log of your work, write three reflection papers linking your internship work to your areas of study, and you are evaluated by your internship supervisor.
- Catalog Description
- INTS 4810 (3) Credit Hours
- Supervised working experience in a professional situation. Maximum 6 hours credit. Every semester. BIS major and approval of Program Director in the semester preceding enrollment. Graded standard letter grade.
- INTS 4995r - Departmental Thesis
- INTS 4995 is a two-semester honors thesis that the student coordinates with a director from one of their areas of study. The Honors College provides the details of requirements for an honors thesis. You could take INTS 4995 or do a departmental thesis in one of your areas of study to meet this requirement.
- Please consult the Honors College for information:
Departmental Honors - Catalog Description
- INTS 4995r - Departmental Thesis
- (1-3) Credit Hours
- Requires University Honors approval. Department may have additional prerequisite requirements. Students must submit an Individual Studies/Research Contract to the Registrar's Office at the time of registration. Every semester.
- INTS 4998 - Individual Studies
- INTS 4998 is a course where students find a faculty member in one of their areas of study to engage in a semester-long independent research project. Credit may be given either through INTS 4998r or through the home department of the area of study.
- Catalog Description
- INTS 4998r- Individual Studies
- (1-9) Credit Hours
- Department may have additional prerequisite requirements. Students must submit an Individual Studies/Research Contract to the Registrar's Office at the time of registration. Every semester. Prerequisites: department head approval.